12.23.11 - Benchmark Week WOD #5
===== Nasty Girls ===== 3 RFT of 50 x air squats, 7 x muscle ups, 10 x hang power cleans @ 95#. (Nasty Boys use 135#) Sub pull ups and dips or push ups at 3:1 for muscle ups. TGIF!!!
12.22.11 - Benchmark Week WOD #4
===== Grace or Isabel ===== For time complete 30 Clean N Jerks or 30 Snatches with 135#/95#
12.21.11 - Benchmark Week WOD #3:
===== HELEN ===== 3 RFT of Run 400-Meters, 21 x KBS @ 16k/24k, 12 x Pull Ups. Get some!!!
12.20.11 - Benchmark Week WOD #2
===== DIANE ===== For time: 21-15-9 of Deadlifts @ 225#/155# and Handstand Push Ups. Try for single digits again. Scale accordingly! (Weights and movements)
12.19.11 - Benchmark Week WOD #1
===== FRAN =====
For time: 21-15-9 : Thrusters @ 95#/65#, and Pull Ups ... single digits peeps!! Get after it!!!
For time: 21-15-9 : Thrusters @ 95#/65#, and Pull Ups ... single digits peeps!! Get after it!!!
12.16.11 - Holiday WOD and Party! =====
Morning @ 8am only (WOD) ... evening @ 5pm (WOD & Party) ... TGIF!!!
12.15.11 - Strength + Core =====
1.) Power Clean - 3, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1 ... work up to a new 1-Rep Max,
2.) GHD Situps + Hypers 3 x 15-25 each,
3.) Handstand Holds (against wall) 3 x max time
2.) GHD Situps + Hypers 3 x 15-25 each,
3.) Handstand Holds (against wall) 3 x max time
12.13.11 - Conditioning ====
Interval Ladder x 3's: Perform three push-ups and three air squats, then six push-ups and six air squats, then nine - etc, etc. Adding three reps to each movement for the following work intervals: 3-Min On, Rest 1-Min, 6-Min On, Rest 2-Min, 9-Min On. *There is a Burpee buy-in to start each work interval! Get some :)
12.12.11 - Strength + CFE =====
1.) Back Squat > Work up to 82.5% of 1-RM for one maximal effort set. Refer to 11.28 and 11.14. Rest 5:00-10:00 minutes, then....
2.) Suicide Sprints > run three full flights of suicides, rest as needed between flights ... OR ... perform the CrossFit Endurance WOD
2.) Suicide Sprints > run three full flights of suicides, rest as needed between flights ... OR ... perform the CrossFit Endurance WOD
12.9.11 - Conditioning =====
5 rds for time of: 20 x KBS - AHAP/Overhead, 6 x Standing Broad Jump (6ft), Bear Crawl x 30-yds. TGIF!!!
12.8.11 - Strength + Strength Conditioning =====
1.) "Shoulder-2-Overhead/Anyway Overhead" 3-RM. Press, Push Press, Push Jerk, Split Jerk - any lift for a three rep max. Rest 5:00 Minutes, then: 2.) For time complete.... 15 x Power Clean @ 135#/95#, 100 x Double Unders, 15 x Power Clean @ 135#/95#.... 10-minute time cap!
12.6.11 - Conditioning =====
12.5.11 - Strength =====
12.2.11 - Conditioning =====

Open House Friday - Come one, come all! Classes available @ 6am/8am/9am/5pm/6pm.
AMRAP in 20-min:
1-Arm DB/KB Overhead Walking Lunge x 100-ft,
1-Arm DB/KB Push Press x 10 Left/x 10 Right,
1-Arm DB/KB SDLHP x 10 Left/ x 10 Right,
Run 200-Meters.
*Go as heavy as possible. Breaking up the reps is allowed. Strict form is a must and will be enforced!
12.1.11 - Strength + CFE =====
Oly Complex #7 (Refer to 11.14.11) =====
Complete 5 Rds:
1 Rd = 3-Position Power Clean (Top Down) + Push Jerk.
* Use 80-90% of 2-RM Hang Power Clean
Rest 5:00-10:00 min. then:
"Death By Ten Meters" - or - CrossFit Endurance WOD http://www.crossfitendurance.com
11.30.11 - Mobility/Recovery + Open Gym =====
Open Gym Hours Wednesday, November 30: 6am > 10am and 5pm > 7pm
11.29.11 - Conditioning =====
11.28.11 - Strength + Strength Conditioning =====
11.26.11 ===== Open Gym =====
11.25.11 - Post Holiday Chipper =====
11.23.11 === You Pick It! ===
11.22.11 - Conditioning =====
11.21.11 - Strength Conditioning =====
11.18.11 - Conditioning =====
11.17.11 - Strength =====
11.16.11 - Mobility + Open Gym =====
Click on the "CrossFit Fort Myers WOD Blog" link to view mobility video
Open Gym Hours Wednesday, November 16: 6am > 9am and 5pm > 7pm
11.15.11 - Conditioning =====
11.14.11 - Strength + Strength Conditioning =====

Refer to 10.03.11,
Hang Power Clean 2-RM
Rest 5:00 minutes then,
For time complete:
Back Squat x 15 @ Bodyweight,
Hand Release Push-Ups x 5,
Sprint 100-Meters,
Back Squat x 10 @ Bodyweight,
Hand Release Push-Ups x 10,
Sprint 100-Meters,
Back Squat x 5 @ Bodyweight,
Hand Release Push-Ups x 15,
Sprint 100-Meters.
* @ Bodyweight = your bodyweight loaded on the bar,
**10-min Time Cap!
11.11.11 WOD FOR WARRIORS =====

Special class times Friday, November 11: 6am, 8am and 5pm. *We'll be performing the wod on Saturday, November 12 @ 8am in case you can't make any of the Friday times!
The WOD:
11 Rounds:11 Exercises11 Reps each to be executed in 2 person teams. 1- Burpees 2- Tuck Jumps 3- HSPU - buddy holds feet 4- Ring dips 5- Sit-ups 6- Air Squats 7- Deadlift (135/95) 8- Pullups (any type) 9- Press (45/25 plates) 10- Jumping Lunges 11- 11 meter fireman's carry. A two person team will have one member working at all times. #1 begins with burpees, once complete, #2 executes tuck jump, once complete, #1 executes HSPU while #2 holds feet, then #2 executes Ring Dips, and so forth. Since there an odd number of exercises, the second time through, #2 will start burpees, #1 will do tuck jumps, etc. The idea is a quick and even work-rest cycle, high intensity, giving it our all to honor our Veterans, and improving our ability to move more further faster!
11.10.11 - Strength + CFE =====
11.8.11 - Conditioning =====

WOD courtesy of CrossFit Endurance:
For time:
2 x Rope Climb Ascents @ 15-ft,
100 x Double Unders,
2 x Rope Climb Ascents @ 15-ft,
100 x Double Unders.
* 10-minute time cap.
** Scaling/Substitution for DU: 500-Meter Row.
Rest 5-10 Minutes then:
"Death by Pull-Ups" OR find 1-rep max weighted dead hang pull-up.
11.7.11 - Strength =====

Olympic Complex #5:
AMRAP in 10-minutes of:
1 Snatch High Pull,
1 Power Snatch,
1 Overhead Squat,
2 Snatch High Pull,
2 Power Snatch,
2 Overhead Squat,
3 Snatch High Pull,
3 Power Snatch,
3 Overhead Squat
*Use 65-70% of 3-RM Overhead Squat from 10.27.11,
Deadlift: Refer to 10.27.11,
1 x 5 @ 50%, 1 x 4 @ 62.5%, 1 x 3 @ 75%, 1 x Max Reps @ 85%
11.4.11 - Conditioning + Core =====
4 RFT of
Run 400-Meters,
21 x Box Jumps,
12 x Pull-Ups
GHD Sit-Ups 3 x 20-25,
GHD Hypers 3 x 20-25
4 RFT of
Run 400-Meters,
21 x Box Jumps,
12 x Pull-Ups
GHD Sit-Ups 3 x 20-25,
GHD Hypers 3 x 20-25
11.3.11 - Strength + CFE
Olympic Complex #4
5x1+1+1+1: Clean High Pull + Hang Power Clean + Front Squat + Hang Clean
*Use 90% of your 2-RM Power Clean from 10.24.11
C2 Row Tempo - Refer to 10.10.11
2 x 1000-m @ 85-90% of 1k TT, Rest/Work 1:1 (Ex: if it takes you 4:00 min to row 1k, then you rest 4:00 min before the next set) Work on technique and fixing your pace to an 85-90% effort.
5x1+1+1+1: Clean High Pull + Hang Power Clean + Front Squat + Hang Clean
*Use 90% of your 2-RM Power Clean from 10.24.11
C2 Row Tempo - Refer to 10.10.11
2 x 1000-m @ 85-90% of 1k TT, Rest/Work 1:1 (Ex: if it takes you 4:00 min to row 1k, then you rest 4:00 min before the next set) Work on technique and fixing your pace to an 85-90% effort.
11.1.11 - Conditioning
Video Courtesy of My Leader Source.
*Set One = AMRAP in 3-Min. Rest 1-Min.
*Set Two = AMRAP in 6-Min. Rest 2-Min.
*Set Three = AMRAP in 9-Minutes, Done!!
One Round =
12 x KBS @ 16k/24k
9 x Burpees w/Hand Release
6 x Toes-2-Bar
Cool Down 800-M Jog.
10.31.11 - Strength
Jerk 1-RM. 1,1,1,1,1,1,1
From the rack “Shoulder-To-Overhead/Anyway Overhead”: Press/Push Press/Push Jerk/Split Jerk/Jerk from behind the neck. What is the most weight you can lift “anyway” overhead?? Lets find out!
Back Squat: Refer to 10.24.11
1x5@50%, 1x4@60%, 1x3@70%, 1xMax Reps@77.5%
10.28.11 - Conditioning
Part One:
AMRAP in 10-minutes of
1-Arm Dumbbell or Kettlebell Power Snatch, 10 Reps Left*
1-Arm Dumbbell or Kettlebell Power Snatch, 10 Reps Right*
Double Unders x 20 or Row 20-Cals
Scaling: Sub 100 Single Unders for DU
*AHAP on DB/KB Power Snatch
Part Two:
8 x 60-yds, Max Effort!
10.27.11 - Strength
Overhead Squat 3, 3, 3, 3, 3
*Work up to your 3-RM OHS
Deadlift: Refer to Monday, October 17, 2011
1 x 5 @ 50%, 1 x 5 @ 65-70%, 1 x Max Reps @ 82.5%
10.26.11 - Mobility
Hip Mobility For Improved Squatting Tomorrow!
Open Gym Hours For Wednesday, October 26: Morning Only 6am > 9am
10.25.11 - Conditioning
The Kipping Pullup - Part One from Again Faster on Vimeo.
Compare from Tuesday, July 26, 2011
On the minute for 30 minutes perform
5 Pullups
10 Pushups
15 Air Squats
*Scale reps as needed to maintain otm interval: 4-8-12 ... 3-6-9 ... etc.
10.24.11 - Strength
Power Clean 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2
*Work up to your 2-Rep Max power clean
Back Squat 1 x 5 x 50%, 1 x 5 x 62.5%, 2 x 5 @ 70%, 1 x 5+ @ 70% (max reps)
10.21.11 - Conditioning
For time complete:
20 Box Jumps
20 Kettlebell Swings @ 16k/24k
Run 400-Meters
20 Burpees
20 Walking Lunges
Row 500-Meters
20 Walking Lunges
20 Burpees
Run 400-Meters
20 Kettlebell Swings @ 16k/24k
20 Box Jumps
10.20.11 - Strength
Olympic Complex #3
5 rds
1 rd = 2 x Push Press + 3 x Jerk
*Use 90% of 3-RM Push Press from 10.10.11
Wind Sprints!!
Complete 10 x 40-yd Sprints. Max Effort. Rest 1-min between sprints.
10.19.11 - Mobility
Runner's stretch/split jerk prep
Open Gym Hours for Wednesday, Oct. 19: 6am>9am and 5pm>7pm
10.18.11 - Conditioning

From CF HQ on 11.16.11
"It was not without a significant amount of kicking, screaming and tears that I learned new moves and endured many a CrossFit workout... Now, a year and a half later, 30 pounds lighter and more fit than I have ever been, I am excited to celebrate my 50th birthday."- Kelli Dean
Five rounds for time of
Run 200-M
20 Pullups
Run 200-M
20 Pushups
Run 200-M
20 Situps
Run 200-M
20 Air Squats
*You may sub 250-M Row or 25 DU for 200-M Run
10.17.11 - Strength
Olympic Complex #2
5 rds
1 rd = 3 x 1 + 1 + 1: Power Snatch + Snatch Push Press + Overhead Squat
*Use 90% of 3-RM Power Snatch from Thursday, October 6, 2011
Deadlift 1 x 5 @ 50%, 1 x 5 @ 65%, 1 x Max Reps @ 80%
*Refer to Thursday, October 6, 2011 -- % based on recent CF Total
10.15.11 - Open Gym
10.14.11 - Conditioning
For time:
Row 1000-Meters
50 Thrusters @ 45#
30 Pull-Ups
*Compare to Friday, July 15, 2011
Core Work:
GHD Sit-Ups 3 x 20
GHD Hypers 3 x 20
10.13.11 - Strength
Olympic Complex #1
5 rds
1 rd = 3 x 1 + 1 + 1: Power Clean + Hang Power Clean + Jerk
*Use 90% of your 3-RM Hang Power Clean from Monday 10.3.11
Front Squat 1 x 5 @ 50%, 1 x 5 @ 60%, 2 x 10 @ 70%
*% based on BACK SQUAT sets from Monday 10.3.11 (70% of 1-RM)
10.11.11 - Conditioning
3 rounds of
2-minutes max rep Wall Ball Shots (14#/20#)
Rest 1-minute
2-minutes max rep Kettlebell Swings (16k/24k)
Rest 1-minute
2-minutes max rep Rope Climb Ascents (must touch the rafters!)
Rest 1-minute
*Score total number of reps for EACH exercise. Example:90 WBS/105 KBS/5 Rope Climbs
10.10.11 - Strength
Push Press 3, 3, 3, 3, 3
*Work up to your 3-RM Push Press
C2 Row 1K TT (Time Trial/100% effort)
*Row 500-meters as a warm-up with increasing intensity from 50-80%. Be ready to give the 1000-meters EVERYTHING you've got!
10.8.11 - Closed for Oktoberfest Smack-Down!
10.07.11 - Conditioning
Nicole C. talking about the ability to distinguish good movement from bad movement. Are your pull-ups SOLID? Kips are usually allowed, but the leg/hip drive is supposed to compliment the push and pull of the upper body, NOT overshadow it. For todays wod: STRICT DEAD HANG PULL-UPS ONLY. No Kips!
20-min AMRAP of
Run 400-Meters
Max Rep Pullups
*Strict Dead Hang Pull-ups ONLY (Chin-ups and Opposed grips are allowed)
**Compare to Friday, July 8, 2011
We are closed Saturday, October 8. Our competition team is traveling to St. Pete for the Oktoberfest Smack-Down! Good luck gang :)
10.06.11 - Strength
Power Snatch 3, 3, 3, 3, 3
*Work up to your 3-RM Power Snatch
Deadlift 1 x 5 @ 50%, 1 x 5 @ 62.5%, 1 x Max Reps @ 75%
*Refer to recent CF Total for 1-RM Deadlift
10.04.11 Conditioning
10.03.11 Strength
Hang Power Clean 3, 3, 3, 3, 3
*Work up to your 3-RM Hang Power Clean
**No straps! Always warm-up with an empty bar
Back Squat 1 x 5 @ 50%, 1 x 5 @ 60%, 2 x 10 @ 70% of 1-RM
*Refer to recent CF Total for one rep max
End of quarter break - you deserve it!

Time to take a load off (literally) and recover for the start of our fourth quarter of training for 2011. Here is the gym schedule for next week:
Closed Saturday, 9.24.11
Closed Sunday, 9.25.11
Open Gym Hours Monday, 9.26.11 > 6am-9am & 5pm-7pm
Closed Tuesday, 9.27.11
Open Gym Hours Wednesday, 9.28.11 > 6am-9am & 5pm-7pm
Closed Thursday, 9.29.11
Open Gym Hours Friday, 9.30.11 > 6am-9am & 5pm-7pm
Closed Saturday, 10.1.11
Closed Sunday, 10.2.11
Re-Open for regularly scheduled classes Monday, 10.3.11 - Start of the 4th Quarter!
Benchmark testing wk 2: Nasty Girls
Nasty Girls(Boys)
3 RFT of
Air Squats x 50
Muscle-Ups x 7
Hang Power Clean x 10 @ 95#/135#
*Scale movements/reps/weights as needed! TGIF :)
Benchmark testing wk 2: Isabel / Grace
Your choice today: Isabel or Grace
Isabel = 30 x Snatches @ 95#/135#, Grace = 30 x Clean and Jerks @ 95#/135# FOR TIME!
Benchmark testing wk 2: Helen
3 RFT of
Run x 400-meters
KBS x 21 @ 16-k/24-k
Pull-Ups x 12
Benchmark testing wk 2: Diane
21-15-9 for time of
Deadlift @ 155#/225#
Handstand Push-Ups
*Scale HSPU as needed (tires/boxes/bands/etc.) but shoot for full range of motion on each rep. Deadlifts = scale to appropriate weight and don't bounce or drop the bar!
Benchmark testing continues: week two!
21-15-9 for time of
Thrusters @ 65#/95#
*Only good reps will count - period! Thruster = Full squat (butt to ball) and arms/legs extended overhead (no jerks!) Pull-Ups = Chin rises clearly OVER the bar regardless of "style" (strict, kipping, butterly, etc.)
Fight Gone Bad 6 - Annual Fundraiser
For the brave souls that have registered - see you bright and early!
IF you performed the Oly Total yesterday then complete the recovery work scheduled below, otherwise hit your 1-RM Snatch/CNJ and set some PR's!
Recovery: NOT for time
1.) "Play" with double unders. Stay relaxed and work on getting into a rhythm as best you can. 10-15 minutes of practice, then...
2.) GHD Situps/Hypers 2-3 sets each of 10-15 reps
3.) Quick circuit of KBS (light) + strict dead hang pullups/chinups + overhead squats w/pvc. 3 rounds not for time, play with the reps, pace yourself and focus on moving at a steady "easy" pace rather than "pushing" through a tough wod. Its active recovery.
Benchmark Week Day #4

"Olympic Total"
1-Rep Max Snatch
1-Rep Max Clean and Jerk
*This is our first time maxing out on the Olympic lifts and as such we will modify things accordingly. We want to keep strict standards of form and technique on the lifts (to the very best of our abilities!) however we will allow the following: Snatch, or Power Snatch, and any combination of Clean and Jerk/Push Press/Press or Power Clean/Jerk/Push Press/Press. Do the best you can!!! Have fun with it!!!
Benchmark Week Day #3 (Mobility/Preparation)
-----clean and jerk upper body prep-----
-----clean and jerk lower body prep-----
Mobility/Prep for heavy Oly lifts tomorrow!!
Benchmark Week Day #2
IF you performed the Total yesterday then complete the recovery work scheduled below, otherwise hit your lifts today and recovery work tomorrow!
Recovery: NOT for time
1.) "Play" on the C2. Adjust for wattage and tabata intervals as described in the video and play for a few minutes.
2.) GHD Situps/Hypers 2-3 sets each of 10-15 reps
3.) Quick circuit of KBS (light) + strict dead hang pullups/chinups + overhead squats w/pvc. 3 rounds not for time, play with the reps, pace yourself and focus on moving at a steady "easy" pace rather than "pushing" through a tough wod. Its active recovery.
The CrossFit Total
*copy the link into your browser and read the free article, be prepared!
MWOD: Sunday, September 11, 2011
Open those hips! Here is something you can do from home to prepare for tomorrow. Hint: HEAVY squatting (and some other stuff!)
Open Gym Saturday, September 10, 2011
WOD 38: September 9, 2011
For time complete:
50 x Burpee Broad Jumps, then
3 rds of
30 x KBS or DB swings @ 16-k/24-k
30 x 1-arm KB or DB Hang Clean + Jerk @ 16-k/24-k (15 x left/15 x right)
30 x 1-arm KB or DB Overhead Walking Lunge @ 16-k/24-k (15 x left/15 x right)
*Training Notes: You are to use ONE kettlebell or dumbbell for the entire workout. Choose a weight that allows full range of motion and control for each movement.
WOD 37: September 8, 2011
Warm-up complex (w/empty bar):
Hang Power Clean + Front Squat + Jerk + Back Squat + Good Morning: As many rounds as necessary for complete warm-up.
"On The Minute"
Load the bar to approximately 65-70% of 1-RM Clean then perform:
2 Hang Power Clean + Jerk, on the minute for 10-minutes
MWOD: Wednesday, September 7, 2011
Clean N Jerk Prep - Upper
Clean N Jerk Prep - Lower
Wednesday Open Gym Hours 6am - 9am
WOD 36: September 6, 2011
"Tabata Something Else"
Tabata Pull Ups
--Rest 1-minute--
Tabata Push Ups
--Rest 1-minute--
Tabata Sit Ups
--Rest 1-minute--
Tabata Air Squats
**Score TOTAL reps completed for all movements
ME (Max Effort) Oly Lifting: Saturday, September 3, 2011
WOD 35: September 2, 2011
Five RFT of
**Cash-in: 400-Meter Run
15 Kettlebell Swings AHAP
15 Toes-2-Bar
**Cash-out: 400-Meter Run
WOD 34: September 1, 2011
*Refer to previous Back Squat WODs on 8/22, 8/11, 8/1, 7/21, 7/11
Back Squat 3 x 2-3 @ 95% 1-RM. Straight sets across for 2's or 3's, some variance given depending on the lifter. Rest 5-min between sets! Hit proper depth on EVERY rep!!
*Refer to previous Deadlift WODs on 8/11, 7/21
Deadlift 1 x MAX reps @ 95% 1-RM. That is ONE MAXIMAL EFFORT set of continuous reps, NOT a timed set as with previous wods. No drops, no bouncing, NO straps allowed!!
Training notes: Give yourself plenty of rest between sets. This is your last heavy squat/deadlift wod before the CrossFit Total! Get your mind right!!
WOD 33: August 30, 2011
AMRAP in 20 minutes of:
**Cash-in: 1000-Meter Row
3 Burpees
6 Pull Ups
9 Push Ups (Hand Release)
12 Air Squats
**Cool-down: walk 800-Meters
WOD 32: August 29, 2011
*Refer to 8/8/2011
Power Clean + Front Squat + Clean + Jerk: 5 x 1 + 1 + 2 + 1 @ 90% Across, hold the bottom of the Jerk for 5-seconds!!!
Clean Pull: 5 x 3 @ 90% Across
Training Notes: Refer to 8/8/2011 for percentages. Use straps if necessary! Work on your positions!!! Max effort attempts are right around the corner :)
WOD 31: August 26, 2011
Yes, its back ... as filthy as ever ... refer to May 17, 2011
WOD 30: August 25, 2011
Power Snatch + Overhead Squat + Snatch: 5 x 1 + 1 + 1 @ 90% Across, hold bottom of Snatch and Overhead Squat for 2-seconds
Snatch Push Press + Overhead Squat: 5 x 3 + 1 @ 90% Across, hold bottom of Overhead Squat for 2-seconds
Training Notes: "Punch Up" against the bar. Focus on your positions, take your time between reps. Use straps if necessary.
MWOD: Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Arm flexion + hip mobility = improved overhead squat!
Open gym hours: 6am > 9am and 5pm > 7pm
WOD 28: August 22, 2011
Back Squat: 1x5@55%, 1x5@65%, 1x5@75%, 1x3@85%, 1 x Max Reps in 3-minutes @ 92%
Press: 1x5@55%, 1x5@65%, 1x5@75%, 1x3@82%, 1 x Max Reps in 3-minutes @ 90%
Training Notes: Adjust warm-up sets as needed. Percentages based on 1-RM from CrossFit Total. Rest 5-10 minutes between squats and presses. Belt up!!!
WOD 27: August 19, 2011
5 RFT of
Box Jump x 15 @ 20"/24"
Pull Ups x 15
Row x 250-Meters
WOD 26: August 18, 2011
*Refer to July 28, 2011
3-Position Power Clean (Mid-hang, Low-hang, Floor) + Front Squat: 5 x 1 (3) + 1 @ 90% ACROSS.
Push Press + Push Jerk + Split Jerk: 5 x 1 + 1 + 1 @ 90% ACROSS.
Training Notes: Percentages based on best lifts from 7/28. Use straps when necessary!
MWOD Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Tight lats? Can have an impact on your clean and jerks! Get 'em loose!
WOD 25: August 16, 2011
"Tabata THIS!"
Tabata Row (Calories)
--rest 2-minutes
Tabata Double Unders
--rest 2-minutes
Tabata Wall Ball Shots @ 14#/20#
*Score LOWEST round of each exercise for total points.
WOD 24: August 15, 2011
*Refer to July 25, 2011
3-Position Power Snatch (Mid-hang, Low-hang, Floor) + Overhead Squat: 5 x 1(3) + 1 @ 90% ACROSS.
Snatch Pull: 5 x 3 @ 90% ACROSS.
Training Notes: Percentages based on best lifts from 7/25. Use straps!!
Wildcard Weekend! Saturday, August 13, 2011

Team Workout:
Event 1.)
5 Rounds
Back Squat x 5 @ 135/185
Every team member will have 25 squats when complete
Score = Time
Event 2.)
5 Rounds
50-yds down and back
Every team member will have 500 yards when complete
Score = Time
Event 3.)
100 Pullups
Team (combined) has to finish 100 pullups
Score = Time
WOD 22: August 11, 2011
Ahhhhhh the good 'ole days ... Kaz, simply awesome!
*Refer to 8/1/2011, 7/21/2011, 7/11/2011
Back Squat: 1 x 5 @ 60%, 1 x 5 @ 70%, 1 x 3 @ 80%, 1 x MAX REPS in three minutes @ 89%
Deadlift: 1 x MAX REPS in three mintues @ 90%
Training Notes: Adjust warm-up sets as needed. Percentages based on 1-RM numbers from recent CF Total. Allow plenty of rest between max effort squat and deadlift!
WOD 21: August 9, 2011
For time complete:
50 x Double Unders
21 x SDLHP with Kettlebell (1.5-pood/2-pood)
40 x Double Unders
18 x SDLHP with Kettlebell (1.5-pood/2-pood)
30 x Double Unders
15 x SDLHP with Kettlebell (1.5-pood/2-pood)
20 x Double Unders
12 x SDLHP with Kettlebell (1.5-pood/2-pood)
10 x Double Unders
9 x SDLHP with Kettlebell (1.5-pood/2-pood)
WOD 20: August 8, 2011
Max M clean and jerks w/140-kilos ... makes it look easy!
*Refer to 7/18/2011
Power Clean + Front Squat + Clean + Jerk: 5 x 1+1+1+1, AHAP, hold bottom position of jerk for 5-seconds!
Clean Pull: 5 x 3, AHAP (use straps! go heavy!)
WOD 19: August 5, 2011
WOD 18: August 4, 2011
Get your Snatch on!! Refer to July 14, 2011
Power Snatch + Overhead Squat + Snatch: 5 x 1 + 1 + 1, AHAP. Hold bottom position for 2-sec.
Snatch Push Press + Overhead Squat: 5 x 3 + 1, AHAP.
Training Notes: Try to improve your numbers from previous training session (7.14.11). Use straps for complex 1 if needed.
WOD 17: August 2, 2011
Run or Row, your choice:
Run: 3 x 800-Meters, Max Effort, Work/Rest 1:1 or 1:2 if needed. Post fastest time to whiteboard.
Row: 3 x 1000-Meters, Max Effort, Work/Rest 1:1 or 1:2 if needed. Post fastest time to whiteboard.
Training Notes: Warm-Up thoroughly before attempting any max effort sprint or row! This should include several shorter duration, sub-maximal efforts gradually building to your max outputs. Rest as needed to fully recover between attempts.
WOD 16: August 1, 2011
Work on setting up perfectly under the bar before each set!
*Cluster Sets: Refer to July 11 and July 21
Back Squat: 1x5@50%, 1x5@60%, 1x5@70%, 1x2@80%, 1 x MAX REPS in three minutes @ 86%
Press: 1x5@50%, 1x5@60%, 1x5@70%, 1x2@80%, 1 x MAX REPS in three minutes @ 85%
Percentages based on recent 1-Rep Max from CF Total
Wildcard Weekend: Saturday, July 30, 2011
For time complete:
*Cash-In: 30 x TGUP (15 x Left/15 x Right)
50 x KBS
Run 400-M
40 x KBS
Row 500-M
30 x KBS
Run 400-M
20 x KBS
Row 500-M
10 x KBS
*Cash-Out: 30 x T2B
WOD 15: July 29, 2011
WOD 14: July 28, 2011
*Refer to Thursday, July 7th
1.) 3-Position Power Clean (Mid-hang, Low-hang, Floor) + Front squat: 5 x 1(3) + 1, AHAP hold each position for 2-seconds.
2.) Push Press + Push Jerk + Split Jerk: 5 x 1 + 1 + 1, AHAP
WOD 13: July 26, 2011
The Kipping Pullup - Part One from Patrick Cummings on Vimeo.
On the minute for 30-minutes perform:
5 pull ups
10 push ups
15 air squats
Training Notes: Scale reps as needed to maintain pace with "on the minute" interval ... 4-8-12 ... 3-6-9 ... etc.
WOD 12: July 25, 2011

Focus on triple extension today!
Refer to Tuesday, July 5th
3-Position Power Snatch (Mid-Hang, Low-Hang, Floor) + Overhead Squat: 5 x 1(3) + 1, AHAP hold each position for 2-seconds
Snatch Pull: 5 x 3, AHAP
Training Notes: Try to increase weights from last trainng session (reference 7/5/2011)... small jumps in weight ... use straps if necessary!
ME (Max Effort!) Oly Lifts: Saturday, July 23, 2011
WOD 11: July 22, 2011
WOD 10: July 21, 2011
WOD 9: July 19, 2011
20-min practicing gymnastics skills from www.gymnasticswod.com
...AFTER this!
12-min AMRAP of
10 DB Power Snatch (5xLeft/5xRight) AHAP
10 Lateral Burpees
WOD 8: July 18, 2011
Power Clean + Front Squat + Clean + Jerk: 5 x 1 + 1 + 1 + 1, AHAP hold bottom position of Jerk for 5-seconds!
Clean Pull: 5 x 3, AHAP (go Heavy, use straps!)
Wildcard Weekend! Saturday, July 16 2011

You can thank the "A.M." Coaches for this one!
For time (and as a team) complete The Lumberjack Twenty:
20 x Deadlifts @ 185#/275#
Run 400-Meters
20 x KBS @ 1.5 Pood/2 Pood
Run 400-Meters
20 x OHS @ 75#/115#
Run 400-Meters
20 x Burpees
Run 400-Meters
20 x Chest-2-Bar Pull Ups
Run 400-Meters
20 x Box Jumps @ 20"/24"
Run 400-Meters
20 x DB Squat Cleans @ 30#/45# each
Run 400-Meters
WOD 7: July 15, 2011
TGIF - "Jackie"
For time complete:
Row 1000-Meters
50 x Thrusters w/empty bar
30 x Pull Ups
*Optional (not timed) round, perform at 3/4 speed for recovery:
Row 500-Meters
25 x Thrusters w/empty bar
15 x Pull Ups
WOD 6: July 14, 2011
OLY SWOD #3: Snatch
1.) Power Snatch + Overhead Squat + Snatch, 5 x 1+1+1 AHAP hold bottom of each position for 2-seconds.
2.) Snatch Push Press + Overhead Squat, 5 x 3 + 1 AHAP hold bottom of OHS for 2-seconds.
Core: GHD Sit-Ups + Hypers 3 x 15-25 ea.
WOD 5: July 12, 2011
WOD 4: July 11, 2011
Back Squat 1 x 5 @ 50%, 1 x 5 @ 60%, 1 x 5 @ 70%, 1 x MAX REPS in three minutes @ 80%*
Press 1 x 5 @ 50%, 1 x 5 @ 60%, 1 x 5 @ 70%, 1 x MAX REPS in three minutes @ 80%*
*Percentages based on 1-RM from recent CrossFit Total. Warm-up sets are approximate and can be adjusted. One max effort set for MAX REPS is performed for each exercise. You may re-rack the bar during the three minutes as needed. Push yourself to perform as many consecutive reps as possible. Rest 5-10 minutes after squatting before starting your presses.
ME (Max Effort) OLY Lifts: Saturday, July 9, 2011
WOD 3: Friday, July 8, 2011

TGIF: Pull-ups, Pull-ups, and more Pull-Ups
AMRAP in 20-min of
Run 400 Meters
Max Rep Pull-ups
Training Notes: We are only counting Pull-ups with COMPLETE ROM! Full extension under the bar (arms straight) and chin OVER the bar at the top. Whether you are performing kips, butterfly, dead hang or assisted pull-ups the criteria is the same for all. If you hear "no rep" then don't count it towards your score! Lastly, please protect your hands! Tears are NOT COOL if they prevent us from performing the next WOD and mess up our training schedule.
WOD 2: Thursday, July 7, 2011

OLY SWOD #2: Clean and Jerk
1.) 3-Position Power Clean (Mid-hang, Low-hang, Floor) + Front squat: 5 x 1(3) + 1, AHAP hold each position for 2-seconds.
2.) Push Press + Push Jerk + Split Jerk: 5 x 1 + 1 + 1, AHAP
Training notes: Warm-up thoroughly. Start with an empty barbell. Keep the weights light on the first complex (no more than 60-70% 1-RM) DON'T SACRIFICE FORM! Focus on your footwork during the second complex. Think SPEED.
WOD 1: Tuesday, July 5, 2011

1.) 3-Position Power Snatch (Mid-hang, Low-hang, Floor) + Overhead Squat: 5 x 1(3) + 1, AHAP hold each position for 2-seconds
2.) Snatch Pull: 5 x 3, AHAP
Training notes: Warm-up thoroughly beforehand. Start with an empty barbell. Increase weight gradually and keep it light on the first complex (no more than 60-70% 1-RM) DON'T SACRIFICE FORM! Go heavier on the snatch pulls, start at 100% 1-RM and work up from there. USE STRAPS IF NECESSARY.
Happy Fourth of July!
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