

CFFM WOD 1.1.15
Happy New Year!!!
We are closed, enjoy the day and start the New Year off right by watching some football!
Who are you rooting for?



CFFM WOD Wednesday 12.31.14
The final HUMP D-a-a-a-y-y-y of 2014!!!
New Years Eve Chipper:
Row 1000m
30 x Burpee Box Jump
40 x Sit Ups
50 x KBS
Run 300m
50 x Walking Lunge
Run 300m
50 x KBS
40 x Sit Ups
30 x Burpee Box Jump
Have a safe and fun New Year celebration, we'll see you in 2015!



CFFM WOD Tuesday 12.30.14
10 rounds for time of:
Deadlift 135lbs/225lbs x 5 reps
Hand release push up x 7 reps
Wall Ball Shot 14lbs/20lbs x 9 reps
*This is a partner WOD. Partner's alternate work, both complete all the reps.



CFFM WOD Monday 12.29.14
"The Triad"
10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 rep rounds for time of:
Power Clean @ 95lbs/135lbs
Burpee over the bar
Strict pull ups
*This is a partner WOD. Partner's alternate work, both complete all the reps.
Hope you had a great weekend, welcome back!!! Monday FUNday



CFFM WOD Friday 12.26.14 "FESTIVUS FOR THE REST OF US" 20-min AMRAP of 5 x Burpees, 5 x Slam Ball, 10 x Pull Ups, 5 x Slam Ball, 15 x Push Ups, 5 x Slam Ball, 20 x Air Squats then run 100 meters carrying slam ball.  TGIF!!!



CFFM is closed today, wishing everyone a Merry Christmas!



12 days of X-mas
45 min Time Cap

1 Rope Climb
2 Ground to OH 75#/95#
3 Box Jump 20"/24"
4 Front Squats 75#/95#
5 Push Ups
6 KBS 16k/24k
7 Jumping Lunges
8 WBS 14#/20#
9 Toes-2-Bar
10 Goblet Squats 16k/24k
11 Pull-ups
12 Burpees
Perform the WOD just like the song. Work down the list by performing the first movement then the second and first, then the third, second, first......etc



CFFM WOD Tuesday 12.23.14 Two-4-Tuesday!
20-min AMRAP of
Push Press 75/115 x 10 reps
KBS 16k/24k x 10 reps
Box Jump 20"/24" x 10 reps
*This is a partner WOD. One person works while the other rests, alternating work at each station. Both partners complete all the work on each round. Score total rounds/reps.



CFFM WOD Monday 12.22.14
3RFT of
20 L-Pullups
30 T2B
40 Burpees
800m Run



CFFM WOD Thursday 12.18.14.
Strength: Press 1 x AMAP @ 90%.
*Reference 6.13.14. Conditioning "Tabata Cindy" Complete 8 rds of Tabata Pull Ups, rest 1-min, 8 rds of Tabata Push Ups, rest 1-min, 8 rds of Tabata Air Squats. *Score lowest round of each movement.
Extra Strength: Dips x 50, partition reps as needed.



CFFM WOD Wednesday 12.17.14 Hump D-a-a-a-y-y-y!!!
Strength: Power Clean 1-RM. 
Conditioning: From CrossFit HQ 12.1.14 For time 75 x Kettlebell Swings (16k/24k), Run 1-mile, 75 x KBS.
Extra Conditioning: Row 4 x 1-min, AFAP for max distance, rest as needed between rounds for full recovery.



CFFM WOD Tuesday 12.16.14.
Strength: Bench Press 1 x AMAP @ 90%. How much ya bench? Recalculate working max for next wave!
Conditioning: 3RFT of 21 x WBS @ 14#/20#, 15 x Burpees, Run 300m.
CORE Garhammar Raise x 20-40, partition reps as needed.



CFFM WOD Monday 12.15.14.
Strength: Back Squat 1 x AMAP @ 90%.
Conditioning: With a clock set for 12-minutes: 1min GTOH @ 95lbs/135lbs, 1min DU, 2min GTOH, 2min DU, 3min GTOH, 3min DU. 
Extra Strength Pendlay Row 4 x 8-10.




CFFM WOD Friday 12.12.14. 
Strength: Deadlift 3 x 3+ @ 85%. 
Conditioning: TGIF Partner WOD! 20-min AMRAP of 5 x Strict Handstand Push Up, 10 x Strict Pull Up, 15 x Slam Ball. Partners alternate work, both partners complete all the reps!



CFFM WOD Thursday 12.11.14.
Strength: Press 3 x 3+ @ 85%.
Conditioning: Thursday Chipper! For time complete: 50 x DU (100 singles), 30 x Overhead Lunge @ 45#/25#, 30 x Push Ups, Run 300m with weight plate, 30 x T2B, Run 300m with weight plate, 30 x Push Ups, 30 x OH Lunge @ 45#/25#, 50 x DU. You are welcome.



CFFM WOD Wednesday 12.10.14 Hump D-a-a-a-y-y-y!!!
Strength/Skill: 2-Position Power Clean (top down, below knee > floor) 5 x 2 AHAP.
Conditioning: *Refer to 8.4.14. 7-min AMRAP of 3 x Burpee, 10 x WBS, 6 x Burpee, 10 x WBS, 9 x Burpee, 10 x WBS, 12 x Burpee, 10 x WBS.... continue adding three burpees to each round until time expires. Score total reps. Rx'd = 20#/14#.
Extra Conditioning: Sprint 8 x 200m @ 90% Rest 2:1



CFFM WOD Tuesday 12.9.14.
*Introduction to Crossover Symmetry program, 30-days to healthy shoulders!*
Strength: Bench Press 3 x 3+ @ 85%.
Conditioning: Option 1.) Row 2k TT, Option 2.) Run 1-mile TT.
Extra Strength: Pendlay Row 4 x 8-10, AHAP.



CFFM WOD Monday 12.8.14.
Strength: Back Squat 3 x 3+ @ 85%.
Conditioning: For time *Buy-in: Row 600m, 3rds of 21 x KBS, 12 x Pull Ups, *Cash-out: Run 600m.
CORE Garhammer Raise x 20-40, partition reps as needed.



CFFM WOD Friday 12.5.14 TGIF!!!
Strength: Deadlift 3 x 3+ @ 80%
Conditioning, Ahhh Throw Back Friday! *Refer to 1.23.14. 150 Push Ups for time. Every time you fail a rep or rest on the ground count a penalty. You must immediately sprint 100-meters.
Extra Strength: Dips x 50, partition reps as needed.



CFFM WOD Thursday 12.4.14
Strength: Press 3 x 3+ @ 80%
Conditioning - Athlete's Choice: Within a 10-min time cap complete "Isabel" (30 x Snatches @ 95#/135#) or "Randy" (75 x Snatches @ 55#/75#)
Extra Conditioning: Row 4 x 1-min, AFAP for max distance, rest as needed between rounds for full recovery.



CFFM WOD Wednesday 12.3.14 Hump D-a-a-a-y-y-y!!!
Strength/Skill: 3-Position Power Clean (top down, power position > below knee > floor) 5 x 2 AHAP. Start with a light weight, gradually increase weight on each set as form/technique allows.
Conditioning: Complete five (5) 90-second rounds, consecutively without rest. Your buy-in for rounds 1, 3 & 5 is 10 x Front Squats @ 95#/135#. Your buy-in for rounds 2 & 4 is Sprint 100m. With the remainder of time left in each round perform max rep burpees over the bar. Score total burpees for all five rounds.
CORE Dead Bugs x 50, partition reps as needed.



CFFM WOD Tuesday 12.2.14.
Strength: Bench Press 3 x 3+ @ 80%
Conditioning: For time 50 x DU, 21 x KBS, 40 x DU, 15 x KBS, Run 300m, 15 x KBS, 40 x DU, 21 x KBS, 50 x DU.
Extra Strength Pendlay Row 4 x 8-10
*How to perform the Pendlay Row:



CFFM WOD Monday 12.1.14
Strength: Back Squat 3 x 3+ @ 80%
Conditioning: 10min AMRAP of 5 x burpees, 7 x pull ups, 9 x air squats.
Extra Conditioning: Sprint 8 x 200m @ 90% Effort, Rest 2:1




CFFM WOD Friday 11.28.14
Our annual post-Turkey Day tradition continues, The Filthy Fifty!!! WOD @ 9 a.m. only today.
For time complete 50 reps of each movement: Box Jumps, Jumping Pull Ups, Kettlebell Swings, Walking Lunges, Knees to elbows, Push Press, Back Extensions, Wall Ball Shots, Burpees, Double Unders.



CFFM WOD Thursday 11.27.14
Have a great Thanksgiving everyone, we are closed today 



CFFM WOD Wednesday 11.26.14
Hump Day Fun! Partner AMRAP "USCG". 20-min AMRAP of 10 Power Cleans, 10 Burpees, 100-Meter Sprint. Partner one begins with 10 Power Cleans, holding the last rep in the rack position then Partner two performs 10 Burpees. Partner one drops the bar and sprints the 100-Meters then partners switch roles and Partner two performs the next set of Power Cleans to begin the next round. Guys use 135lbs, Girls use 95lbs, scale as needed.



CFFM WOD Tuesday 11.25.14
Partner "Diane" The CrossFit Benchmark Workout Diane is 21-15-9 rep rounds for time of 155lb/225lb Deadlift and Handstand Push Ups.



CFFM WOD Monday 11.24.14
Partner "Barbara" The CrossFit Benchmark Workout Barbara is Five rounds for time of 20 Pull Ups, 30 Push Ups, 40 Sit Ups, 50 Air Squats with a mandatory 3-minute rest between rounds.



CFFM WOD Friday 11.21.14
TGIF Chipper!!! 
For time:
Row 500m
Run 300m
50 x WBS @ 14#/20#
35 x T2B
20 x Burpees
Run 300m
50 x Push Ups
Run 300m
20 x Burpees
35 x T2B
50 x WBS
Run 300m
*Congratulations, you have just completed the current wave of training, are you ready for a deload week? 



CFFM WOD Thursday 11.20.14
Strength: Deadlift 1 x AMAP @ 85% *Recalculate working max
Conditioning: 7min AMRAP of 30 x DU, 10 x Burpees. (sub for dubs, box jump/steps)
Rxd Plus Version: 7min AMRAP of 40 x DU, 15 x Burpee Pull Up
Extra Strength: Dips x 50 reps, partition reps as needed
Extra Conditioning: Sprint 100m EMOTM x 10min @ 100%



Partner Up for Hump Day FUN!!! 24min Clock. For the first 12-minutes partners alternate rounds of The Bear Complex @ 65lbs/95lbs. 1,2,3,4,5 ... continue adding one rep per round until time expires. **At minute 6:00 both partners run 300m. For the second 12-minutes partners alternate reps of pull ups. 1,2,3,4,5 ... continue adding one rep per round until time expires. **At minute 18:00 both partners run 300m. Score each AMRAP seperately for total reps.



CFFM WOD Tuesday 11.18.14
Strength: Bench Press 1 x AMAP @ 85%. Recalculate working max!
Conditioning: 21-15-9 for time of KBS @ 16k/24k, Weighted Lunges @ 16k/24k (holding KB to chest), Burpees.
CORE: Garhammer Raise x 25-50 Watch the Video!



CFFM WOD Monday 11.17.14.
TBM "Throw Back Monday"
Strength: 3-RM Thruster. *Refer to 9.29.14. You have 15-min to establish your three-rep-max Thruster.
Conditioning: *Refer to 9.29.14. For time Row 1000m, Run 1-Mile.
Compare numbers, are you stronger? are you faster?




CFFM WOD Friday 11.14.14
T-G-I-F Chipper!
For time complete
20 x TGUP (Turkish Get Up)
40 x Push Ups
60 x Mountain Climbers
Run 200m
15 x TGUP
30 x Push Ups
45 x Mountain Climbers
Run 300m
10 x TGUP
20 x Push Ups
30 x Mountain Climbers
Run 400m
"slowing down in the Turkish Get Up may give you necessary feedback to pattern movement better"



CFFM WOD Thursday 11.13.14
Strength: Press 1 x AMAP @ 85%
Conditioning: 7min ascending ladder x 3's of Deadlifts @ 225lbs/155lbs and Burpee over the bar (3/3, 6/6, 9/9, 12/12, etc) score total reps.
CORE: Dead bugs x 50, partition reps as needed.
Extra Strength: Dips x 50, partition reps as needed.
How to properly perform a Dead Bug from Power Athlete HQ:



CFFM WOD Wednesday 11.12.14
Complete 5 rounds for time:
50 lbs One Arm Dumbbell Power Snatch – 11 reps
50 lbs One Arm Dumbbell Thrusters – 12 reps
Pull Ups w/ the 50 lbs Dumbbell – 11 reps
*Alternate hands as needed during the workout to complete the total reps.
(Scaling options are available!)
Wade’s Army is entering its third year in the fight against neuroblastoma. What started as a workout to honor a brave boy has evolved into an official 501c3 non-profit organization and a continued fight against this pediatric cancer.
Over $50K has been raised from 1200 donors to support a Phase I Clinical Trial with relapse/refractory neuroblastoma patients. Phase I trials are generally small center studies either not funded or underfunded by the government. Patients involved are children who have exhausted traditional therapies and are moving on in hopes of stability or remission.
Wade DeBruin and his family showed tremendous fight during Wade’s battle with neuroblastoma. We are asking for you to help us remember Wade and this fight by raising funds to support Wade’s Army in funding clinical trials and providing support for families in the fight against neuroblastoma.
Support the cause by making a donation to Wade's Army now, thank you!



CFFM WOD Tuesday 11.11.14 Veteran's Day
"ARMISTICE" from our friends at WOD with Warriors.
9 minute AMRAP
100-meter sprint
11 sit-ups
11 air squats
100-meter sprint
22 sit-ups
22 air squats
100-meter sprint
33 sit-ups
33 air squats
*add 11 to the sit-ups and air squats for each additional round
2-minute rest and reflection followed by
9 minute AMRAP
100-meter sprint
11 pushups
11 box jumps (RX 24”/20”)
100-meter sprint
22 pushups
22 box jumps (RX 24”/20”)
100-meter sprint
33 pushups
33 box jumps (RX 24”/20”)
*add 11 to the pushups and box jumps for each round
On the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month of 1918, an armistice, or temporary cessation of hostilities, was declared between the Allied nations and Germany in the First World War. This Armistice Day was later re-named to Veterans Day.
At exactly 11 a.m., each November 11th, a color guard, made up of members from each of the military branches, renders honors to America's war dead during a ceremony at the Tomb of the Unknowns in Arlington National Cemetery.
The 11 minutes of work and the 11-based rep scheme represents the rich history of Veteran’s Day.
The two-minutes of rest/reflection represents this moment of silence at the tomb of the unknowns.
The 1st round of work represents Veterans of wars past, and the 2nd round of work represents Veterans of present and future wars.
Modified versions of classic military exercises are meant to help connect Veterans and the greater community to connect after the accomplishment of shared hardship during this WOD.



CFFM WOD Monday 11.10.14
Strength: Back Squat 1 x AMAP @ 85%. Recalculate working max!
Conditioning: 7min AMRAP of 1 RD = 1 x Power Clean + 1 x Push Jerk, 2 x Power Clean + 1 x Push Jerk, 3 x Power Clean + 1 x Push Jerk. Rx'd weights 95lbs/135lbs.
Extra Conditioning: Tabata Row for calories (8rds)
Watch Chad Vaughn and Aja Barto complete "Grace" at 315lbs!




CFFM WOD Friday 11.7.14 TGIF!!!
Strength: Deadlift 3 x 5+ @ 80%.
Conditioning: "ZAC" 15-minute clock: 50 DU, 15 T2B, 40 DU, 12 T2B, 30 DU, 9 T2B, 20 DU, 6 T2B, 10 DU, 3 T2B, max rep hand stand push ups with remaining time. Score time at completion of last T2B and total number of HSPU.
Extra Strength: Dips x 50, partition reps as needed.



CFFM WOD Thursday 11.6.14
Strength: 3-Position Power Clean 3 x 2 @ 90% of max weight from 10.16.14. One rep = (Power Position/Above Knee/Floor)
Conditioning: 7min Ascending Ladder of KBS @ 16k/24k, and Clapping Push Ups x 5's. (5,5,10,10,15,15,20,20...) continue adding five reps to each movement until time expires, score total reps.
Extra Conditioning: EMOTM x 10min sprint 100m AFAP



CFFM WOD Wednesday 11.5.14 Hump D-a-a-a-y-y-y!!!
MOB-WOD: Anterior Shoulder/Downstream Arm (Pec/Anterior Deltoid/Tricep)
Partner Up! Teams of three will work to complete as many rounds and reps in 20-minutes of: Row 500m, 50 WBS @ 14lb/20lb, 50 Box Jumps @ 20"/24".
CORE: Plank holds



CFFM WOD Tuesday 11.4.14.
Strength: Bench Press 3 x 5+ @ 80%.
Conditioning: For time complete 12 x GTOH/Anyway Overhead @ 95lbs/135lbs, Run 100m, 9 x GTOH @ 95lbs/135lbs, Run 200m, 6 x GTOH @ 95lbs/135lbs, Run 300m, 3 x GTOH @ 95lbs/135lbs.
Extra Strength: Step ups 3 x 10-12.



CFFM WOD Monday 11.3.14.
Strength: Front Squat 3 x 3 @ 90% of 3-RM, refer to 10.20.14.
Conditioning: AMRAP in 15min of 5 x HSPU, 10 x Burpees, 15 x Pull Ups.
CORE: Dead Bugs x 50, partition reps as needed.




CFFM WOD Friday 10.31.14 TGIF & Happy Halloween!!!
Strength: Press 3 x 5+ @ 80%
Conditioning: 10-min AMRAP of 3 x 4-way OH Lunge (25lb/45lb), 6 x Lateral Burpee, Weighted 100m Run (holding plate). Score rounds and reps.
Extra Strength: Good Mornings 3 x 10-12



CFFM WOD Wednesday 10.29.14 Hump D-a-a-a-y-y-y!!!
Mobility-WOD: Thoracic Spine, Low Back, Hamstrings.
Conditioning: Partner Up! One partner works while the other rests, both partners do all the reps and run together each rd. 25-min AMRAP of 21 x KBS @ 16k/24k, 15 x Push Ups, 9 x T2B, Run 300m.



CFFM WOD Tuesday 10.28.14
Strength: Back Squat 3 x 5+ @ 80%
Conditioning: Complete five (5) :90 second rounds, consecutively, of AMAP burpees over the bar, where the buy-in for each round is: Rd 1 - 3 x Deadlifts @ 155#/225#, Rd 2 - 6 x Deadlifts @ 155#/225#, Rd 3 - 9 x Deadlifts @ 155#/225#, Rd 4 - 12 x Deadlifts @ 155#/225#, Rd 5 - 15 x Deadlifts @ 155#/225#. Score total burpees over the bar.
Extra Strength: Unilateral DB Bench Press 3 x 10-12.