

CFFM WOD Wednesday 12.3.14 Hump D-a-a-a-y-y-y!!!
Strength/Skill: 3-Position Power Clean (top down, power position > below knee > floor) 5 x 2 AHAP. Start with a light weight, gradually increase weight on each set as form/technique allows.
Conditioning: Complete five (5) 90-second rounds, consecutively without rest. Your buy-in for rounds 1, 3 & 5 is 10 x Front Squats @ 95#/135#. Your buy-in for rounds 2 & 4 is Sprint 100m. With the remainder of time left in each round perform max rep burpees over the bar. Score total burpees for all five rounds.
CORE Dead Bugs x 50, partition reps as needed.