

CFFM WOD Friday 1.30.15 TGIF!!!
Field Day Fun Day smile emoticon
Event 1.) Tire Flip AMRAP in 3-minutes.
Event 2.) Sandbag Shouldering AMRAP in 3-minutes.
Event 3.) Sled Push AMRAP in 3-minutes.
Prepare to get dirty! Seriously, and wear long sleeve t-shirts if you have them for protection against the tires. We'll have some fun with this one gang!



CFFM WOD Thursday 1.29.15.
Instructor led Snatch warm up, then
Strength: Power Snatch + OHS + Snatch 5 x 1 + 1 + 2.
*Start light, gradually add weight as form allows. Refer to work completed on 1.7.15.
Conditioning: CrossFit Benchmark WOD "ANNIE" 50-40-30-20-10 rep rounds for time (15min cap) of Double Unders and Sit Ups.
Finisher: Pendlay Rows 3 x 10-12. Add 5lbs from last workout.



CFFM WOD Wednesday 1.28.15 Hump D-a-a-a-y-y-y!!!
Instructor led Dynamic Press warm up, then
Strength: Press 3 x 10+ @ 67.5%.
Conditioning: 7min AMRAP of Burpees x 7 reps, Russian KB Swings (16k/24k) x 21 reps. Score rounds and reps.
Finisher: Option 1. Run 5 x 200m Shuttle Sprint (4x50m) AFAP. Option 2. Row 5 x 125m AFAP. Rest 1min.



CFFM WOD Tuesday 1.27.15.
Instructor led Dynamic Squat warm up, then
Strength: Back Squat 3 x 10+ @ 67.5%.
Conditioning: 7min AMRAP of Slam Ball and Pull Ups x 3's. 3,3,6,6,9,9,12,12... continue adding three reps per movement. Score total reps.
Finisher: 100 x Ring Push Ups.



CFFM WOD Monday 1.26.15
Did you have a good weekend?
"Monday Gone Really BAD" Four rounds of Row (Calories) > Burpee (Reps) > Hang Power Clean @ 75lbs/55lbs (Reps) > Box Jump @ 24"/20"" (Reps) > Thruster @ 75lbs/55lbs (Reps). 
In this workout you move from each of five stations after a minute.The clock does not reset or stop between exercises. This is a five-minute round from which a one-minute break is allowed before repeating. On call of "rotate", the athletes must move to next station immediately for best score. One point is given for each rep, except on the rower where each calorie is one point.
Thank you very much.




CFFM WOD Friday 1.23.15 T-G-I-F!!!
Instructor led Deadlift warm-up/skill session:
2 x Hang Power Clean EMOM x 8-minutes, then
WOD: "Diane" 21-15-9 rep rounds for time of Deadlift @ 155lbs/225lbs, and HSPU. *All deadlift reps come to a DEAD stop, NO DROPS from the top!!! Be disciplined. 10-minute time cap, then
Finisher: 1-mile Tempo Run at no more than 75% effort of best time trial.
Post-WOD Mobility! The weekend is here, you made it!!!


CFFM WOD Thursday 1/22/15
Instructor led Snatch/OHS Warm up, then 
Strength: Snatch Push Press + OHS, 5X3+2
Conditioning: 7 min AMRAP of 10X WBS @ 14#/20#, 10X Burpees.
Finisher: Pendlay Row 3X10-12 *Add 5 lbs from last workout. 



CFFM WOD Wednesday 1.21.15 Hump D-a-a-a-y-y-y!!!
Instructor led Dynamic Bench Press warm up, then
Teams of three will compete in the following events:
1.) Max bench press tonnage in 12 minutes.
Two minute break, then
2.) Row max distance (kilometers) in 12 minutes.
Finisher: CORE - Dead Bugs x 50
Post-WOD Mobility/Crossover Symmetry



CFFM WOD Tuesday 1.20.15
1.) Skill session: proper rowing technique
2.) WOD: "Angie" for time complete (in order) 100 pull ups, 100 push ups, 100 sit ups, 100 air squats. *Scale volume and movements as needed!
3.) Post-WOD Mobility



CFFM WOD Monday 1.19.15
Welcome back from the weekend!
1.) Instructor led Snatch warm-up complex, then
2.) Within a 10-min time cap: 15 x Snatch, 8 x Burpee Over The Bar, 10 x Snatch, 8 x Burpee Over The Bar, 5 x Snatch, 8 x Burpee Over The Bar. Rx'd = 65lbs/95lbs.
3.) Front Squat w/Pause 5 x 3. *Keep the weight light, hold a full "One Mississippi" count at the bottom of each rep before driving hard out of the hole.




CFFM WOD Friday 1.16.15 TGIF!!!
Instructor led warm-up, then
Strength/Skill: Split Jerk (from the rack) 5 x 3
Conditioning: Friday Chipper! For time,
Run 300m
30 x KBS (16k/24k)
20 x Strict Pull Ups
Run 200m
20 x KBS (16k/24k)
10 x Strict Pull Ups
30 x Burpees
10 x Strict Pull Ups
20 x KBS (16k/24k)
Run 200m
20 x Strict Pull Ups
30 x KBS (16k/24k)
Run 300m
Thank you very much!



CFFM WOD Thursday 1.15.15
Instructor led Dynamic Squat Warm-Up, then
1. WOD, for time complete 30 x Back Squat (Men use body weight, Women use 65% of body weight), Run 200m (4 x 50m), 30 x Burpees.
2. Strength Assistance: Pendlay Row 3 x 10-12 (add 5lbs from last workout)
3. CORE: Supine Knee Tuck x 50 (partition reps as needed, super-set w/Pendlay Row if desired).



CFFM WOD Wednesday 1.14.15
HUMP D-a-a-a-y-y-y!!!
Time for skillz! Deconstructing "Mary"
20-min AMRAP (for quality, not score)
Around the world inverted handstand progression, x 1 "trip" 360-degrees - focus on stacking the hips over the shoulders to the limit of your flexibility and control.
Lunging pistol progression x 6 (3 x left/3 x right) - watch the video below, attempt the most difficult variation possible with good form and balance.
Supine ring pull ups w/scapular retraction x 6 - feet elevated if possible, strict movement with tempo of 3-1-3.
**Scale all movements/reps as needed! We are going for quality today people!!!**



CFFM WOD Tuesday 1.13.15
Instructor led Dynamic Deadlift Warm-Up, then
Strength: Deadlift 3 x 10 @ 60%
Conditioning: 7min AMRAP of 1-arm KB Push Press (5 x Left/5 x Right) @ 16k/24k, 10 x Box Jumps @ 20"/24".
Finisher: Sprintzzz! 6 x 100m Shuttle (4 x 25m) AFAP, rest 1min between rounds.
Post WOD Mobility.
Terrible Tuesday, Get some!!!



CFFM WOD Monday 1.12.15
Instructor led warm-up, then:
Strength/Skill: Clean and Jerk 5 x 3 + 1
Conditioning: Tabata Burpees, rest 1min, Tabata Air Squats, rest 1min, Tabata Push Ups. *Score lowest round of each exercise.
Finisher: Ring Dips x 100 (Focus on position!)
Post-WOD Mobility




CFFM WOD Friday 1.9.15 TGIF!!!
Instructor led Dynamic Bench Press Warm-Up
Strength I: Bench Press 3 x 10+ @ 60%
Strength II: Pendlay Row 3 x 10-12 AHAP
Conditioning: P-R-O-W-L-E-R ('nuff said)



CFFM WOD Thursday 1.8.15
Partner Up!
20-min AMRAP
30 x WBS (14lb/20lb)
20 x Box Jump (20"/24")
10 x T2B
*Partners SPLIT the work in half each round. One person works while the other rests. Exercises must be performed in the order written. Once you pick up the medicine ball to start the WOD, the ball may NEVER touch the ground, it must be held by one partner at all times. FOUL (if medicine ball is dropped at any point) = both partners perform 10 burpees on the spot!
**Spend the remainder of class catching up on your weekly mobility prescription! Friday is right around the corner 



CFFM WOD Wednesday 1.7.15
HUMP D-a-a-a-y-y-y!!!
Instructor led Dynamic Snatch Warm-up
Strength: Power Snatch + OHS, 5 x 3 + 2
Conditioning: 3RFT of 30 x Russian KB Swings @ 16k/24k, 30 x Walking Lunge, Run 300m.
Finisher: CORE Dead Bugs x 50



CFFM WOD Tuesday 1.6.15
Instructor led Dynamic Press Warm-Up
Strength: Press 3 x 10+ @ 60%
Conditioning: 7min AMRAP of Slam Ball x 7 reps, DU x 21 reps. Score rounds and reps.
Finisher: 100 x Ring Push Ups
Post-WOD Mobility



CFFM WOD Monday 1.5.15
Instructor led Dynamic Squat Warm-Up
Strength: Back Squat 3 x 10+ @ 60%
Conditioning: (Refer to 1.6.14) 7min AMRAP of Burpees and Pull Ups x 3's. 3,3,6,6,9,9,12,12... continue adding three reps per movement. Score total reps.
Finisher: Run or Row. 6 x 200m Shuttle Run (4 x 50m) AFAP, rest 1-min. 6 x 250m Row AFAP, rest 1-min.
Post-WOD Mobility
Lots of stuff to do today gang, get in early, get warm, be ready to jump into 2015 full steam ahead! Thank you, lets make it a kick-ass year!!!



CFFM WOD 1.2.15
Happy New Year!!! from the archives 1.5.2010. "You Complete Me" 20-min AMRAP: Run 400m, Hang Power Clean x 10 reps @ 75lbs/115lbs, Pull Ups x 10 reps. Get some!!!