

CFFM WOD Monday 1.5.15
Instructor led Dynamic Squat Warm-Up
Strength: Back Squat 3 x 10+ @ 60%
Conditioning: (Refer to 1.6.14) 7min AMRAP of Burpees and Pull Ups x 3's. 3,3,6,6,9,9,12,12... continue adding three reps per movement. Score total reps.
Finisher: Run or Row. 6 x 200m Shuttle Run (4 x 50m) AFAP, rest 1-min. 6 x 250m Row AFAP, rest 1-min.
Post-WOD Mobility
Lots of stuff to do today gang, get in early, get warm, be ready to jump into 2015 full steam ahead! Thank you, lets make it a kick-ass year!!!