

Metallica meets CrossFit Football ... 'nuff said

*Next week is the final week of our current strength cycle. Be prepared to set some PR's on WODs and lifts! (Not that you haven't already) Open gym week is coming Monday, June 28.

5 rds for time
Squat max reps*
7 burpee box jumps
*Use 75% of recent 5-RM Back Squat - take the bar from the rack, perform as many consecutive reps as possible before re-racking the weight
*Refer to 4/23/10 or 5/20/10 for 5-RM Back Squat
*Record weights used, number of squat reps completed, and time.

CrossFit Football SWOD
A. & C.) Bench Press 5 x 5

CrossFit Football DWOD
5 rds for time
Squat max reps*
7 burpee box jumps
*Amateur use bodyweight
*Collegiate if under bodyweight of 225lbs use 225lbs, if over 225lbs use bodyweight

Starting Strength - Off/Rest