

CFFM WOD Friday, 8.1.14. TGIF!!!! Strength: Bench Press 3 x 10+ @ 67.5% Refer to Wednesday, 7.23.14. Conditioning: “Isabel” 30 x Snatches (135/95) for time within a 10-min time cap.



CFFM WOD Thursday, 7.31.14.  Gymnastics Skill Practice: Handstand Progressions/Scaling + Pistol Progressions/Scaling. Conditioning: “Mary” 20min AMRAP of 5 x HSPU (Handstand Push Up), 10 x Pistols (Single Leg Squat), 15 x Pull Ups. Thirsty Thursday, get some!!!



CFFM WOD Wednesday, 7.30.14. Hump D-a-a-a-y-y-y!!! Strength: Back Squat 3 x 10+ @ 67.5% Refer to Monday, 7.21.14. Conditioning: Three rounds for time of 15 x Deadlift (225/155), 50 x DU. *12-min time cap. Extra Conditioning: Sprint 100m EMOTM x 10 @ 100%.



CFFM WOD Tuesday, 7.29.14. Mobility: Posterior/Anterior High Chain (Glutes, Hip Capsule, Hip Flexors, Quadriceps) mobilize then its time for a partner WOD! Conditioning: 6 rounds for time of 21 x Air Squat, 15 x Power Clean (135/95), 9 x Pull Up, Run 300m. Rounds 1, 3 and 5 Partner A squats while B rests; B performs power cleans while A rests; A performs pull ups while B rests; both partners complete run together. Rounds 2, 4, and 6 Partner B squats while A rests; A performs power cleans while B rests; B performs pull ups while A rests; both partners complete run together. Get some!!! Two-4-Tuesday



CFFM WOD Monday 7.28.14.  I hate Mondays!!!  Strength: Press 3 x 10+ @ 60%. *Recalculate new working max using formula, refer to 7.4.14.  Conditioning: For time complete (Chipper style) 30 Burpees, 20 Sit Ups, Run 100m, 20 Burpees, 35 Sit Ups, Run 200m, 10 Burpees, 50 Sit ups, Run 300m.



CFFM WOD Friday 7.25.14.  TGIF!!!  Strength: Deadlift 3 x 10+ @ 60%. *Recalculate new working max using formula, refer to 7.11.14.  Conditioning: 10 RFT within a 15-min cap: 5 x T2B, 10 x Push Ups, 15 x Walking Lunges. *Form is critical for Rx'd, sloppy reps = no red ink!



CFFM WOD Thursday 7.24.14. Strength/Skill: Oly Complex: Flat footed snatch high pull + muscle snatch + snatch balance. 20-min to work on Oly Complex, start with empty bar, focus on proper position/speed, increase weight as form allows. *If you are unable to perform snatch balance then work on snatch push press + overhead squat. Conditioning: 3 RNFT of Row 400m + 100m Prowler Push. *Not for time, keep the weights light, rest as needed between rounds, move fast!



CFFM WOD Wednesday 7.23.14. Hump D-a-a-a-y-y-y!!! Strength: Bench Press 3 x 10+ @ 60%. *Recalculate new working max using formula, refer to 7.8.14. Conditioning: 7-min AMRAP of Shoulder-to-overhead x 3, Box Jump x 15, STOH x 6, Box Jump x 15, STOH x 9, Box Jump x 15, STOH x 12, Box Jump x 15, STOH x 15, Box Jump x 15... continue adding 3 reps to STOH until time expires. Rx'd = 75#/115#, 20"/24" (step ups allowed) score total reps.



CFFM WOD Tuesday 7.22.14
Two-4-Tuesday Partner Up! 20-min AMRAP of 5 pull ups, 10 burpees, 15 Russian Swings @ 16k/24k, 100m Run. Partners alternate work, each person completes all the reps.



Congratulations on finishing Benchmark Week, its time to start a new wave of training!
CFFM WOD Monday 7.21.14
Strength: Back Squat 3 x 10+ @ 60%. *Recalculate new working max using formula, refer to 7.1.14
Conditioning: 7-min AMRAP of Power Clean x 3, Double Under x 20, PC x 6, DU x 20, PC x 9, DU x 20, PC x 12, DU x 20, PC x 15, DU x 20... continue adding 3 reps to PC until time expires. Rx'd = 95/135.



CFFM WOD 7.18.14
*Refer to Friday 4.11.14. FIGHT GONE BAD. Benchmark Workout #5. Three rounds for reps of Wall Ball Shot (14#/20#), Sumo Deadlift High Pull (55#/75#), Box Jump (20”/24”), Push Press (55#/75#), Calorie Row. In this workout you move from each of five stations after a minute. The clock does not reset or stop between exercises. This is a five minute round from which a one minute break is given before repeating. On call of “rotate” the athletes must move to the next station immediately for best score. One point is given for each rep (calories are counted as reps on the rower).



CFFM WOD 7.17.14
*Refer to Thursday 4.10.14. 15­-REP MAX CLEAN AND JERK. Benchmark Workout #4. There is no time limit, but the weight cannot be rested on the ground. Resting at the hang, rack or overhead position is permitted. At the ground the athlete must touch and go. The score is exactly the heaviest load lifted for 15 reps.



CFFM WOD 7.16.14
*Refer to Wednesday 4.9.14. HELEN. Benchmark Workout #3. 3 rounds for time within a 15­min time cap: Run 400m, Kettlebell Swings (16-kilos/24-kilos) x 21 reps, Pull Ups x 12 reps.



CFFM WOD 7.15.14
*Refer to Tuesday 4.8.14. DOUBLE TROUBLE. CrossFit Benchmark WOD #2. 8-­min AMRAP of: Deadlift (275#/185#) x 5 reps and Double Unders x 20 reps.



CFFM WOD 7.14.14.
*Refer to Monday 4.7.14. FRAN. Benchmark WOD #1. 21­-15­-9 for time within a 10­min time cap: Thrusters (65#/95#) and Pull Ups.



BEACH WOD! The gym is closed, join us at the beach for some surf, sun and fun!



CFFM WOD 7.11.14 Friday.
TGIF!!! Strength: Deadlift 1 x AMAP @ 90%.
Conditioning: 21-18-15-12-9 rep rounds for time within a 10-min cap. KBS @ 16k/24k, WBS @ 14#/20#.



CFFM WOD 7.10.14 Thursday
Strength: Snatch 1-RM. Any version, you have 15-minutes to work up to your heaviest weight. Your barbell and weights may be set on the platform before starting the clock.
Conditioning: EMOTM for 7min perform 4 burpees, and max rep DU's. Score total DU's.



CFFM WOD 7.9.14 Wednesday HUMP D-a-a-a-y-y-y!!!
MOB-WOD: Thoracic Spine (Upper Back, Neck, Scapula).
Partner up! 20-min AMRAP: 1 rd of BB Complex (Power Clean + Lunge Left + Lunge Right + Push Press), 5 T2B, Run 100m, then 2 rds of BB Complex, 5 T2B, Run 100m, then 3 rds of BB Complex, 5 T2B, Run 100m. Continue in this fashion adding one additional round of the BB Complex on each round. One person works while the other rests. Both partners complete ALL the work. Rx'd weights = 65lbs/95lbs.



CFFM WOD 7.8.14 Tuesday
Strength:"How much ya bench?" Bench Press 1 x AMAP @ 90%.
Conditioning: EMOTM for 7min perform 4 Thrusters @ 65lb/95lb, and max rep burpees. Score total burpees.



CFFM WOD 7.7.14 Monday
Strength: Clean 1-RM. Any version, you have 15-minutes to work up to your heaviest weight. Your barbell and weights may be set on the platform before starting the clock.
Conditioning: Tosh Ladder, Complete 2 rds AFAP: Run 100m rest :20sec, Run 200m rest :40sec, Run 300m rest :60sec, Run 200m rest :40sec, Run 100m rest :20sec.




CFFM WOD Friday 7.4.14 TGIF!!!
STRENGTH: Press 1 x AMAP @ 90%
Extra Strength: Single Leg DL w/KB/DB, 3 x 10-15
CONDITIONING - Complete four (4) rounds, each round consists of 1-min max rep Pull Ups, 1-min max rep Push Ups, 1-min max rep Air Squats, 1-min rest.



CFFM WOD Thursday 7.3.14.
STRENGTH: Complete five rounds of the following complex: Hang Power Snatch + OHS + Hang Snatch + OHS. Increase weight on each round. Refer to 6.5.14.
CONDITIONING - 8-min AMRAP of 3 x (1xDeadlift + 1xPower Clean + 1xThruster) @ 85#/135#, Run 100m.



CFFM WOD Wednesday 7.2.14 Hump D-a-a-a-y-y-y!!!
MOB-WOD: Medial and Posterior Chain (Adductor/Hamstring)
Conditioning: "Whitten" partner WOD
Five rounds of:
22 Kettlebell swings, 16k/24k
22 Box jump, 20""/24""
Run 400 meters
22 Burpees
22 WBS 14#/20#
*Partners share work. One works while other rests.