

CFFM WOD Wednesday 10.15.14 Hump D-a-a-a-y-y-y!!!
MOB: Posterior & Anterior High Chain (Glutes, Hip Capsule, Hip Flexor, Quads)
Conditioning: Refer to 4.16.14. Partner Up! 20min AMRAP of Run 300m, 21 KBS @ 16k/24k, 21 Mountain Climbers, 12 T2B. On each round partners complete the run together then alternate work on KBS/MC. One person performs 21 swings while the other performs 21 climbers, then switch. Alternate work on T2B, one person works while the other rests. Score rounds and reps.
Extra Conditioning: Row 3 x 250m, AFAP, rest as needed between rounds for full recovery