WOD 34: September 1, 2011
*Refer to previous Back Squat WODs on 8/22, 8/11, 8/1, 7/21, 7/11
Back Squat 3 x 2-3 @ 95% 1-RM. Straight sets across for 2's or 3's, some variance given depending on the lifter. Rest 5-min between sets! Hit proper depth on EVERY rep!!
*Refer to previous Deadlift WODs on 8/11, 7/21
Deadlift 1 x MAX reps @ 95% 1-RM. That is ONE MAXIMAL EFFORT set of continuous reps, NOT a timed set as with previous wods. No drops, no bouncing, NO straps allowed!!
Training notes: Give yourself plenty of rest between sets. This is your last heavy squat/deadlift wod before the CrossFit Total! Get your mind right!!
WOD 33: August 30, 2011
AMRAP in 20 minutes of:
**Cash-in: 1000-Meter Row
3 Burpees
6 Pull Ups
9 Push Ups (Hand Release)
12 Air Squats
**Cool-down: walk 800-Meters
WOD 32: August 29, 2011
*Refer to 8/8/2011
Power Clean + Front Squat + Clean + Jerk: 5 x 1 + 1 + 2 + 1 @ 90% Across, hold the bottom of the Jerk for 5-seconds!!!
Clean Pull: 5 x 3 @ 90% Across
Training Notes: Refer to 8/8/2011 for percentages. Use straps if necessary! Work on your positions!!! Max effort attempts are right around the corner :)
WOD 31: August 26, 2011
Yes, its back ... as filthy as ever ... refer to May 17, 2011
WOD 30: August 25, 2011
Power Snatch + Overhead Squat + Snatch: 5 x 1 + 1 + 1 @ 90% Across, hold bottom of Snatch and Overhead Squat for 2-seconds
Snatch Push Press + Overhead Squat: 5 x 3 + 1 @ 90% Across, hold bottom of Overhead Squat for 2-seconds
Training Notes: "Punch Up" against the bar. Focus on your positions, take your time between reps. Use straps if necessary.
MWOD: Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Arm flexion + hip mobility = improved overhead squat!
Open gym hours: 6am > 9am and 5pm > 7pm
WOD 28: August 22, 2011
Back Squat: 1x5@55%, 1x5@65%, 1x5@75%, 1x3@85%, 1 x Max Reps in 3-minutes @ 92%
Press: 1x5@55%, 1x5@65%, 1x5@75%, 1x3@82%, 1 x Max Reps in 3-minutes @ 90%
Training Notes: Adjust warm-up sets as needed. Percentages based on 1-RM from CrossFit Total. Rest 5-10 minutes between squats and presses. Belt up!!!
WOD 27: August 19, 2011
5 RFT of
Box Jump x 15 @ 20"/24"
Pull Ups x 15
Row x 250-Meters
WOD 26: August 18, 2011
*Refer to July 28, 2011
3-Position Power Clean (Mid-hang, Low-hang, Floor) + Front Squat: 5 x 1 (3) + 1 @ 90% ACROSS.
Push Press + Push Jerk + Split Jerk: 5 x 1 + 1 + 1 @ 90% ACROSS.
Training Notes: Percentages based on best lifts from 7/28. Use straps when necessary!
MWOD Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Tight lats? Can have an impact on your clean and jerks! Get 'em loose!
WOD 25: August 16, 2011
"Tabata THIS!"
Tabata Row (Calories)
--rest 2-minutes
Tabata Double Unders
--rest 2-minutes
Tabata Wall Ball Shots @ 14#/20#
*Score LOWEST round of each exercise for total points.
WOD 24: August 15, 2011
*Refer to July 25, 2011
3-Position Power Snatch (Mid-hang, Low-hang, Floor) + Overhead Squat: 5 x 1(3) + 1 @ 90% ACROSS.
Snatch Pull: 5 x 3 @ 90% ACROSS.
Training Notes: Percentages based on best lifts from 7/25. Use straps!!
Wildcard Weekend! Saturday, August 13, 2011

Team Workout:
Event 1.)
5 Rounds
Back Squat x 5 @ 135/185
Every team member will have 25 squats when complete
Score = Time
Event 2.)
5 Rounds
50-yds down and back
Every team member will have 500 yards when complete
Score = Time
Event 3.)
100 Pullups
Team (combined) has to finish 100 pullups
Score = Time
WOD 22: August 11, 2011
Ahhhhhh the good 'ole days ... Kaz, simply awesome!
*Refer to 8/1/2011, 7/21/2011, 7/11/2011
Back Squat: 1 x 5 @ 60%, 1 x 5 @ 70%, 1 x 3 @ 80%, 1 x MAX REPS in three minutes @ 89%
Deadlift: 1 x MAX REPS in three mintues @ 90%
Training Notes: Adjust warm-up sets as needed. Percentages based on 1-RM numbers from recent CF Total. Allow plenty of rest between max effort squat and deadlift!
WOD 21: August 9, 2011
For time complete:
50 x Double Unders
21 x SDLHP with Kettlebell (1.5-pood/2-pood)
40 x Double Unders
18 x SDLHP with Kettlebell (1.5-pood/2-pood)
30 x Double Unders
15 x SDLHP with Kettlebell (1.5-pood/2-pood)
20 x Double Unders
12 x SDLHP with Kettlebell (1.5-pood/2-pood)
10 x Double Unders
9 x SDLHP with Kettlebell (1.5-pood/2-pood)
WOD 20: August 8, 2011
Max M clean and jerks w/140-kilos ... makes it look easy!
*Refer to 7/18/2011
Power Clean + Front Squat + Clean + Jerk: 5 x 1+1+1+1, AHAP, hold bottom position of jerk for 5-seconds!
Clean Pull: 5 x 3, AHAP (use straps! go heavy!)
WOD 19: August 5, 2011
WOD 18: August 4, 2011
Get your Snatch on!! Refer to July 14, 2011
Power Snatch + Overhead Squat + Snatch: 5 x 1 + 1 + 1, AHAP. Hold bottom position for 2-sec.
Snatch Push Press + Overhead Squat: 5 x 3 + 1, AHAP.
Training Notes: Try to improve your numbers from previous training session (7.14.11). Use straps for complex 1 if needed.
WOD 17: August 2, 2011
Run or Row, your choice:
Run: 3 x 800-Meters, Max Effort, Work/Rest 1:1 or 1:2 if needed. Post fastest time to whiteboard.
Row: 3 x 1000-Meters, Max Effort, Work/Rest 1:1 or 1:2 if needed. Post fastest time to whiteboard.
Training Notes: Warm-Up thoroughly before attempting any max effort sprint or row! This should include several shorter duration, sub-maximal efforts gradually building to your max outputs. Rest as needed to fully recover between attempts.
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