20 minutes AMRAP of
[1000-Meter Row Buy In]
5 Burpees
10 Pullups
15 Air Squats
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CFFB - Westside Barbell Dynamic Bench Day
1.) Close Grip Floor Press w/chains 8 x 3 @ 65%
2.) Alternating Dumbbell Bench Press 5 x Max Reps @ 50lbs
3.) Weighted Pullups 5 x Max Reps [AHAP]
4.) Rear DB Lat. Raise 3-4 x 8-10
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CFG Prep Phase II, Wk 3, WOD 11
SWOD [performed after DWOD]
"Death by pushups x 2s"
GHD Situps 4 x 25
On the minute for 12 minutes
2 Power Snatch @ 90% of 3-RM [Refer to 10.19.10]
4 Burpees