"Super Star!" ... nice ladies :)
3 rds, 1 minute at each station for max reps with a 1 minute break after each round. Think Fight Gone Bad okay?
1.) Calorie Row
2.) Box Jumps
3.) Push Ups
4.) Double Unders
5.) Burpees
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CrossFit Football
Westside Barbell Dynamic Effort Bench:
**Rotator Cuff Warm-Up**
1.) Wide-to-close grip bench w/one set of medium chains @ 65% of 1-RM. 8 x 3 "Speed" Reps
2.) DB Tate Press, 5-7 x 8-10
3.) BB Reverse Grip Bent Over Row, 5-7 x 8-10
4.) DB Front Lateral Raise, 3-4 x 8-10
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CFG Phase II, Wk 2, WOD 7
Power Snatch 3, 3, 3, 3, 3* Establish three-rep max!
One minute on/one minute off for 12 minutes:
25 sledgehammer strikes
~~ or ~~
[[If you are running the 5k time trial this Saturday, you should perform Eva today and the sledgehammer wod on Friday.]]
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CFE: Team 10 x 400-Meters