Footballers, take note of the JM press as demonstrated by Dave Tate.
20 minutes AMRAP of
Run 400-Meters (once)
10 Burpees
100-ft Walking Lunges
10 Burpees
Sprint 200-Meters
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CFFB - Westside Barbell Max Effort Bench Day
1.) Medium Grip Bench w/Chains, 5-7 x 3-1
2.) JM Press, 5-7 x 10++ max reps
3.) Kipping Pullups (open shoulders!!), 5-7 x max reps
4.) Rear lateral DB raise on bench, 3-4 x 10++ max reps
*Rest as long as needed to fully recover between sets. 5-6 minutes for ME work. 3-4 minutes for assistance work as a general rule of thumb.
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CFGames Prep, Phase II, Wk 1, WOD 3
Weighted Pullups 3, 3, 3, 3, 3 AHAP
Plank holds feet on SB 4 x 1 min.