CFFM Strength WOD
"The Bear"
A different twist on an old favorite ....
3 rounds of 10 reps
[1 rep consists of:]
1 Hang Power Clean
1 Front Squat
1 Push Press
1 Back Squat
1 Push Press
*Foul = once you pick up the bar to begin your round you man NOT set it back down - every drop is considered a foul, 10 burpees per foul!!!
**Rest as needed between rounds
***Refer to 04.19.10, add 5lbs from your previous wod
A.) Squat 3x5; Press 3x5
C.) Squat 5x5; Press 5x1
AMRAP in 10 minutes of
5 right arm KB/DB power snatch
5 left arm KB/DB power snatch
5 pushups
Starting Strength
A.) Squat 3x5; Bench 3x5; DL 1x5
B.) Squat 3x5; Press 3x5; Power Clean 5x3