

Our annual post-Turkey day "Filthy Fifty" party is here!



Hump D-a-a-a-y-y-y!!! "How fit are you?" Test 2: Clean and Jerk 15 reps.  Your goal is to lift the heaviest weight possible for 15 continuous repetitions.  There is no time limit but the weight cannot be rested on the ground.  Resting at the hang, rack, or overhead is O.K.  At the ground, the athlete must touch and go.  The score is exactly the load lifted.  *Extra work: perform a second round for 12 reps, and a third round for 9 reps, resting as needed between rounds.



Lets "ROWL!" time for your first Rowling lesson :)  then, 20-min AMRAP of 20 Burpees, 30 Sit Ups, 40 Air Squats, Run 300m.



Strength: Reference 9.30, 10.9, 10.18, 10.28, 11.6, 11.15. Back Squat 5, 5, 5 +. Conditioning: 7-min AMRAP of: (Buy-in Push Jerk x 30 reps @ 95#/135#) 10 x KBS @ 16k/24k, 10 x Push-Ups. Extra Strength: CORE



TGIF! Strength: Reference 11.4, 10.16. Beg - Hang Power Snatch 5 x 3, add 2-5lbs. Int/Adv - Hang Snatch or Hang Power Snatch 1-RM. Conditioning: Prowler Races! Record fastest 100-m prowler dash. Men's Rx'd V-Sled + 90lbs, Women's Rx'd T-Sled + 90lbs.  Extra Strength: Front Squat 5 x 3.



Thirsty Thursday! 1.) 20-minutes: Learn and practice the Turkish Get Up (TGUP) with a dumbbell or kettlebell.  Perform 30-40 repetitions with light to moderate weight.  2.) Conditioning: 10-min AMRAP of 1 x Push Up, 1 x Box Jump (20"/24"), 2 x Push Ups, 2 x Box Jumps, 3 x Push Ups, 3 x Box Jumps, 4 x Push Ups, 4 x Box Jumps, etc ... continue adding one rep to each round for ten minutes. Score total reps.



Hump D-a-a-a-y-y-y!!! Strength: Bench Press Reps Test! Men choose from 225# (NFL Combine standard), 185# or 135#. Women choose from 95#, 75# or 45#. Conditioning: 8-min AMRAP of Deadlift 315#/205# x 5 reps, DU x 25 reps. Extra Conditioning: "Short Tosh"



Complete four (4) 4-minute rounds, with one minute of rest in-between rounds: Run 300m, 30 x KBS @ 16k/24k, max rep burpees. *Score lowest round of burpees.



Strength: Reference 10.02, 10.21. Beg – 5 x 3 Hang Power Clean add 2-5lbs. Int/Adv – Hang Power Clean or Hang Clean 1-RM. Conditioning: “Karen” 150 WBS @ 14#/20# for time (10-min time cap). 



TGIF! Strength: Reference 10.9, 10.28, Press 5, 5, 5+ *4th set max rep push press *5th set max rep push jerk.  Conditioning: 5-min AMRAP of *Buy-in 25 x Slam Balls, then 20 x Mountain Climbers, 10 x KBS @ 16-kilos, 24-kilos. Extra Strength: Back Squat 5, 5, 5+



Throwback Thursday! From 10.1.13: For time complete 21-18-15-12-9-6-3 rep rounds of walking lunges and burpees. *After odd rounds (21,15,9,3) run 300m. **After even rounds (18,12,6) perform 15 pull ups. Compare your numbers to last time!



Hump D-a-a-a-y-y-y!!! Strength: Front Squat. Beg 5x3 add 2-5lbs. Int/Adv 3-RM. Set a PR!!! Reference 11.4, 10.25, 10.17, 10.7. Conditioning: Complete 4 x 500m Row AFAP, resting as needed for full recovery between rounds. Focus on technique! Record fastest 500m time.



Complete 5 rounds:

50 lbs One Arm DB Power Snatch – 11 reps
50 lbs One Arm DB Thrusters – 12 reps
Pull Ups w/ the 50 lbs DB – 11 reps

*You can alternate hands as needed during the workout to complete total reps.



"Armistice" A Veteran's Day Salute WOD from WOD For Warriors hosted by CrossFit Fort Myers. The WOD:
9 minute AMRAP
100-meter sprint | 11 sit-ups | 11 air squats
100-meter sprint | 22 sit-ups | 22 air squats
100-meter sprint | 33 sit-ups | 33 air squats

*add 11 to the sit-ups and air squats for each additional round

2-minute rest and reflection, then:

9 minute AMRAP
100-meter sprint | 11 pushups | 11 box jumps (RX 24”/20”)
100-meter sprint | 22 pushups | 22 box jumps 
100-meter sprint | 33 pushups | 33 box jumps 

*add 11 to the pushups and box jumps for each round

STRENGTH WORK: Bench Press 5, 5, 5+



Open Gym from 7am - 8am only. Olympic Lifting Clinic from 8am - 10am. Registered participants only, the class is maxed out!



TGIF! Strength: Reference 10.30.13., 10.21.13., 10.11.13. Overhead Squat – Beg – 5 x 3 add 2-5lbs. Int/Adv – You have 15-min to work to a 1-RM.  No racks, however you may work together as a team to assist one another loading the barbell.  Conditioning: 8-min AMRAP of 3 x Power Cleans @ 115#/185#, 20 DU.



Pair Up! Partner WOD 3RDS for time: 20 Burpee Over Unders, 40 Push Ups, 60 Sit Ups, Run 300m. *Pair up, partition reps as wanted. Both partners complete runs together.  Extra Conditioning: Prowler :-)



Hump Day!!! Strength: Reference 10.28.13., 10.18.13., 10.9.13., 9.30.13. Back Squat 5, 5, 5+.   Conditioning: 10!1 of Pull Ups, Handstand Push Ups (15-min cap).   Extra Strength – DIPS, work up to a 1-RM weighted dip (or dip progressions/variations). 



WOD: Within a 10-min time cap. *Run 300m, 50 x KBS @ 16k/24k. AMRAP of 7 x Push Press @ 75lb/115lb, 7 x Toes-2-Bar.  *The run and kettlebell swings are considered a buy-in.  Your score is the total number of rounds and reps completed of Push Press and Toes-2-Bar couplet.  EXTRA CONDITIONING WORK: Ascending/Descending Short-Tosh. 3-5 rounds of Run 100m, Run 200m, Run 300m, Run 200m, Run 100m. Rest 1:1.  (or Row 125m, 250m, 375m, 250m, 125m)



Strength: Reference 10.16.13 Beginner: Hang Power Snatch 5 x 3, add 2-5lbs. Int/Adv: Power Snatch 5 x 2 @ 90% of 1RM. Conditioning: 7-min AMRAP Ascending Ladder: 3 Front Squats (95#/135#), 3 Burpees, 6 Front Squats, 6 Burpees, 9 Front Squats, 9 Burpees, 12 Front Squats, 12 Burpees ... continue the set/rep scheme adding three (3) reps to each round until time expires.  No racks allowed.  You may squat clean your first rep.  Score total reps.