
12.1.11 - Strength + CFE =====

Oly Complex #7 (Refer to 11.14.11) =====
Complete 5 Rds:
1 Rd = 3-Position Power Clean (Top Down) + Push Jerk.
* Use 80-90% of 2-RM Hang Power Clean
Rest 5:00-10:00 min. then:
"Death By Ten Meters" - or - CrossFit Endurance WOD http://www.crossfitendurance.com


11.29.11 - Conditioning =====

3 rds, 5 stations, 1-minute at each station for max reps, 1-minute break between rds:
1.) Row (cals),
2.) WBS @ 14#/20#,
3.) KBS (Russian) @ 16k/24k,
4.) Hand-Release Push-Ups,
5.) Box Jumps @ 20"/24",
*Score total reps completed across 3 rds.


11.28.11 - Strength + Strength Conditioning =====

Back Squat (Refer to 10.31.11 & 11.14.11) Work up to 80% of 1-RM for one maximal effort set.
Rest 5:00-10:00 minutes then....
Complete for time:
30 x Front Squat @ 50% of Back Squat work set (top set of the day),
30 x Burpees,
Run 400-Meters,
*10-min time cap!


11.26.11 ===== Open Gym =====

8am - 10am. Visting CrossFitters are welcome. $10 drop-in fee, bring some drinking water and a sweat towel. Thanks!!


11.25.11 - Post Holiday Chipper =====

For time complete:
30 Burpees,
Med-ball shuttle run,
30 "Ground-2-Overhead" @ 115#/75#,
Bear Crawl,
30 KTE or TTB,
Row 30 Cals,
Run 800-M,


===Happy Thanksgiving!===

We are closed! Take the day off and enjoy Thanksgiving with your loved ones :)


11.23.11 === You Pick It! ===

=== You Pick It! ===
A.) Make-up a missed WOD from last week, or...
B.) Pick a CF HQ Mainsite WOD to complete, or...
C.) We run the "Hopper" and create a WOD on the spot!
Regular classes @ 6am/7am/8am/9am/5pm/6pm....
Get in one final WOD before Thanksgiving!!!


11.22.11 - Conditioning =====

=== In memory of Lt. Andrew Richard Nuttall ===
For time complete:
10 HSPU,
250# Deadlift x 15,
25 Box Jumps @ 30",
50 Pull Ups,
100 WBS @ 20#,
200 Double Unders,
Run 400 Meters w/45# Plate.


11.21.11 - Strength Conditioning =====

=== "CrossFit Football Grace" ===
For time Complete:
15 x Power Clean + Push Jerk @ 155#/105#,
Run 200-Meters,
10 x Power Clean + Push Jerk @ 155#/105#,
Run 100-Meters,
5 x Power Clean + Push Jerk @ 155#/105#,
Run 50-Meters.
Core Work: GHD Situps 2-3 x 15-30, GHD Hypers 2-3 x 15-30


11.18.11 - Conditioning =====

For time:
Run 1-mile,
100 pull ups,
200 push ups,
300 air squats,
Run 1-mile.
*Scale and partition reps as needed.


11.17.11 - Strength =====

Power Snatch 2-RM
*Work up to your 2-Rep Max power snatch, refer to 10.06.11
Deadlift 1 x Max Reps @ 85% of 1-RM, refer to 10.27.11


11.16.11 - Mobility + Open Gym =====

Click on the "CrossFit Fort Myers WOD Blog" link to view mobility video
Open Gym Hours Wednesday, November 16: 6am > 9am and 5pm > 7pm


11.15.11 - Conditioning =====

3 Rounds For Time of:
21 x Box Jumps,
15 x Kettlebell Swings,
9 x Burpees,
Weighted Tire Drag (Backwards) x 40-yds,
Run 400-Meters


11.14.11 - Strength + Strength Conditioning =====

Refer to 10.03.11,
Hang Power Clean 2-RM
Rest 5:00 minutes then,
For time complete:
Back Squat x 15 @ Bodyweight,
Hand Release Push-Ups x 5,
Sprint 100-Meters,
Back Squat x 10 @ Bodyweight,
Hand Release Push-Ups x 10,
Sprint 100-Meters,
Back Squat x 5 @ Bodyweight,
Hand Release Push-Ups x 15,
Sprint 100-Meters.
* @ Bodyweight = your bodyweight loaded on the bar,
**10-min Time Cap!


11.11.11 WOD FOR WARRIORS =====

Special class times Friday, November 11: 6am, 8am and 5pm. *We'll be performing the wod on Saturday, November 12 @ 8am in case you can't make any of the Friday times!

The WOD:
11 Rounds:11 Exercises11 Reps each to be executed in 2 person teams. 1- Burpees 2- Tuck Jumps 3- HSPU - buddy holds feet 4- Ring dips 5- Sit-ups 6- Air Squats 7- Deadlift (135/95) 8- Pullups (any type) 9- Press (45/25 plates) 10- Jumping Lunges 11- 11 meter fireman's carry. A two person team will have one member working at all times. #1 begins with burpees, once complete, #2 executes tuck jump, once complete, #1 executes HSPU while #2 holds feet, then #2 executes Ring Dips, and so forth. Since there an odd number of exercises, the second time through, #2 will start burpees, #1 will do tuck jumps, etc. The idea is a quick and even work-rest cycle, high intensity, giving it our all to honor our Veterans, and improving our ability to move more further faster!


11.10.11 - Strength + CFE =====

Olympic Complex #6:
AMRAP in 10-Minutes,
1 Round =
1 Jerk,
1 Burpee,
1 Jerk,
3 Burpee,
1 Jerk,
5 Burpee.
*Refer to 10.31.11, use 65-70% of 1-RM Jerk
Rest 5:00-10:00 min, then:
2k Row TT *Refer to 10.10.11


11.8.11 - Conditioning =====

WOD courtesy of CrossFit Endurance:
For time:
2 x Rope Climb Ascents @ 15-ft,
100 x Double Unders,
2 x Rope Climb Ascents @ 15-ft,
100 x Double Unders.
* 10-minute time cap.
** Scaling/Substitution for DU: 500-Meter Row.
Rest 5-10 Minutes then:
"Death by Pull-Ups" OR find 1-rep max weighted dead hang pull-up.


11.7.11 - Strength =====

Olympic Complex #5:
AMRAP in 10-minutes of:
1 Snatch High Pull,
1 Power Snatch,
1 Overhead Squat,
2 Snatch High Pull,
2 Power Snatch,
2 Overhead Squat,
3 Snatch High Pull,
3 Power Snatch,
3 Overhead Squat
*Use 65-70% of 3-RM Overhead Squat from 10.27.11,
Deadlift: Refer to 10.27.11,
1 x 5 @ 50%, 1 x 4 @ 62.5%, 1 x 3 @ 75%, 1 x Max Reps @ 85%


11.4.11 - Conditioning + Core =====

4 RFT of
Run 400-Meters,
21 x Box Jumps,
12 x Pull-Ups
GHD Sit-Ups 3 x 20-25,
GHD Hypers 3 x 20-25


11.3.11 - Strength + CFE

Olympic Complex #4
5x1+1+1+1: Clean High Pull + Hang Power Clean + Front Squat + Hang Clean
*Use 90% of your 2-RM Power Clean from 10.24.11
C2 Row Tempo - Refer to 10.10.11
2 x 1000-m @ 85-90% of 1k TT, Rest/Work 1:1 (Ex: if it takes you 4:00 min to row 1k, then you rest 4:00 min before the next set) Work on technique and fixing your pace to an 85-90% effort.


11.2.11 - Mobility

Wednesday Open Gym Hours: 6am > 10am and 5pm > 7pm