12 minutes AMRAP of
1-arm DB Thruster Left, 7 reps
1-arm DB Thruster Right, 7 reps
1 Rope Climb Ascent, 15-ft
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CFFB - WSBB Dynamic Effort Bench Day
[Refer to 10.05.10]
1.) Speed Bench Various Grips w/Chains @ 65% x 8 x 3
2.) Rack Lockouts 5-7 x 3-1 AHAP
3.) Weighted Pullups 5-7 x 3-1 AHAP
4.) DB Rear Lateral Raises 3-4 x 8-10
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CFGames Prep, Phase II, Wk 6, WOD 27
Face-2-Wall Handstand Holds for max time, 4 rounds
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CFE Taper Week
Back Squat 5 x 5 @ 85% of 5-RM