Next Thursday, November 11 is the "Midpoint Madness" Veteran's Day 5k. CFFM is closing that evening to attend, sign up online through the Fort Myers Track Club Website http://www.ftmyerstrackclub.com
Five rounds for time of
20 Pullups
30 Pushups
40 Situps
50 Air Squats
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CFFB - Westside Dynamic Effort Bench Day
1.) 3-board Wide Grip Bench w/Chains, 8 x 3
2.) Dumbbell Floor Press, 5-7 x Max Reps @ 50lbs
3.) Barbell Bent Over Row w/Wide Grip (Snatch grip), 5-7 x 8++ AHAP
4.) Dumbbell Side Lateral Raise, 3-4 x 8++ AHAP
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CFGames Prep, Phase II, Wk 4, WOD 15
Max Effort Deadlift 3-RM w/chains
Five rounds for time of
25 Double Unders
15 Burpees