Is it time to re-order tees? New styles, colors, etc? Talk to me, let me know! Lets get a pre-order organized!
*Attention - everyone running the half marathon next weekend MUST follow the CFE WODs ONLY this week, regardless of your previous training protocols ... the WODs are listed at the end of this post.
"Snatch Complex"
Complete 5 rounds of 7 reps of the following complex.
[1 rep =]
1 Muscle Snatch
1 Overhead Squat
1 Good Morning
1 Snatch Push Press
1 Overhead Squat
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SWOD [performed after DWOD]
GHD situps 4 x 25
GHD back extension 4 x 25
12 minutes AMRAP of
[500-M Row Buy-In]
7 SDLHP @ 135lbs
7 Burpees
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CFGames Prep, Phase II, Wk 6, WOD 25
Front Squat 20-Rep Max! Take your previous 10-RM FS and try to get 20 unbroken reps!
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CFE Tapering Week
1.) 8x200-m w/2-min rest
2.) Strength Recovery WOD
3 x 15-20 reps each, Not For Time:
> Bench Press/Push Press
> KBS (light)
> GHD situps/hip ext
> Pullups/Supine Ring Pullups
> Active Mobility WOD