
Open Gym Week 03.29.10-04.02.10

No significant reason for this pic really, other than I have an affinity for Corvette's ... especially the C3 model. This was the last year for the C3 "Mako Shark" 1982.

*Note - CFFB no extra strength work this week, DWOD's ONLY. CFFM WOD by default is the CFFB DWOD, unless we have an alternative request!!

Open Gym Week March 29th - April 2nd
AMRAP in 15 minutes of
5 Push Jerks or Split Jerks @ 100lbs/155lbs
7 Clapping Push Ups
Sprint 100-Meters

Alternate WOD:
"The Chief"
5 cycles of
AMRAP in 3 minutes
3 Power Cleans @ 95lbs/135lbs
6 Push-Ups
9 Air Squats
Rest 1-minute between cycles