

"On the minute"
Perform 3 Power Cleans [from the deck] on the minute for 10 minutes. Use 85-90% reference 07.14.10
Foul = 5 burpees for each missed rep
Rest 5:00 minutes then...
5 rds for time of
100-ft walking lunge steps
15 Hand Release Push Ups

Starting Strength - Max Out!!!

CrossFit Football SWOD
100 Chest-2-Bar pullups for time [any combination of strict, kipping, any grip works]

CrossFit Football DWOD
1-minute Max Rep Thrusters @ 135lbs
Rest 1-minute
1-minute Max Rep Box Jumps @ 28"
Rest 1-minute
1-minute Max Rep SDLHP @ 135lbs
Rest 1-minute
1-minute Max Rep Wall Ball Shots @ 20lbs x 12-ft Target
Rest 1-minute
1-minute Max Rep Burpees w/Hand Release