

"Badger" 3rds of 30 Squat Cleans, 30 Pullups, Run 1/2-mile

Max Effort Press 3-3-3-1-1-1*
*Work up to a new 1-RM, Refer to 07.12.10
Rest 5:00 minutes then...
7 rds for time of "Dumb Bear"
1 rd =
5 DB Deadlift Left, 5 DB Hang Power Clean Left, 5 DB Thruster Left
Repeat on Right side, don't set the DB down!!!! Foul for each drop: 5 burpees

Starting Strength - Off/Rest

CrossFit Football SWOD
A.) Power Clean 5x3
C.) Weighted Pullups 3, 3, 3, 3, 3; Ring Dips 4x max reps

CrossFit Football DWOD
Max Effort Sprints:
2 x 100-m
3 x 80-m
4 x 60-m
5 x 40-m
Rest as needed between sprints, maximal effort each sprint!