Wow, just finished watching the conclusion of the 2010 Games ... unreal!!!
CFFM WOD [from CF HQ 07.08.10]
For time:
Walking Lunge 100ft
21 Pullups
21 Situps
Walking Lunge 100ft
18 Pullups
18 Situps
Walking Lunge 100ft
15 Pullups
15 Situps
Walking Lunge 100ft
12 Pullups
12 Situps
Walking Lunge 100ft
9 Pullups
9 Situps
Walking Lunge 100ft
6 Pullups
6 Situps
CrossFit Football SWOD
A.) Front Squat 3x5, Push Press 3x5
C.) 5-RM Thruster - Work up to your heaviest weight for five consecutive reps.
CrossFit Football DWOD
Tabata Row - 1000m Goal!
Starting Strength SWOD
Squat @ 80%; BP/P/PC add .5-2lbs; Deadlift add 1-5lbs