"It's a border collie that heards skinny women away from the best deals at clothing sales."
"Dead 'N Gone"
"Dead 'N Gone"
AMRAP in 12 minutes of
Deadlift, 3 reps AHAP (As Heavy As Possible)
Burpee w/hand release, 7 reps
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CrossFit Football SWOD
Back Squat "Speed Reps" 10 x 3 @ 65% of 1-RM, :30 sec rest
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CrossFit Football DWOD
AMRAP in 12 minutes of
Push Jerk, 3 reps @ 155lbs
Pull Up, 6 reps
Push Up, 9 reps
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CrossFit Games Prep Wk 8, WOD 31
3 rds for time of
Run 400-Meters
21 KBS @ 16k/24k
12 Pull Ups