Fight Gone Bad V coming to CrossFit Fort Myers, Saturday September 25th!!!
"Running Bear"
AMRAP in 20 minutes of
7 reps of the Bear Complex @ 63/95lbs
Run 400-Meters
CrossFit Endurance Week 3, WOD 6:
3 x 1000 Meters w/2 minute rest
CrossFit Football DWOD:
4 rds for time/load/reps of
Max Rep Bench Press @ 225lbs (scale accordingly)
Max Rep Strict Dead Hang Pull Ups
15 Wall Ball Sit Ups @ 14lbs
CFGames Prep Week 6, WOD 21:
"Unilateral" All movements performed unilaterally, as heavy as possible w/DB or KB.
One Arm Bench Press 3x12
One Arm Chest Fly 3x12
One Arm Shoulder Press 3x12
One Arm Lateral Raise 3x12
One Arm Overhead Step Up (Opposite Arm/Leg) 3x12
Two Arm Lateral Lunge 3x12
One Arm Shrug 3x12
Windmill + Curl + Pick Up 3x10
Turkish Get Up 3x6
Rest 5:00 min, then...
4 x 400-Meter Sprints, rest 2:1 or CFE