

TGIF! Objective #1: "On the minute + death by..." Perform 2 Power Cleans and death by pull ups...Power Cleans use 80% of 1-RM from 7.22.13...For this workout, perform 2 Power Cleans & 1 pull up in the first minute, 2 Power Cleans & 2 pull ups the second minute, 2 Power Cleans & 3 pull ups in the third, 2 Power Cleans & 4 pull ups...and so on, until you cannot perform the number of pull ups for the given minute. Remember you have to complete 2 power cleans to buy into each round and adding one pull up each minute... *Scaling = if you cannot perform unassisted pull ups then substitute burpees for the "death by" reps.  Objective #2: Finish your week with some heavy Prowler work! 3-5 rounds of max efforts pushes, AHAP, 50-100 meters per round. (Newbies be careful of the Prowler Flu!)