
08.01.09: Special Saturday WOD

"The Brave Seven"
Paul Rx'd 24:10
Hip Kitty Rx'd 28:34
MK Rx'd 28:44
A-Bomb 31:14
Ocdee 32:58
Baconater 35:25
Mariel 36:15

*August 1st: Please don't forget your dues $$$ Thanks!
Doors open at 7:30 a.m. and close promptly at 10:30 a.m. There are no set start times or dedicated heats, it's first come first served. However, please arrive NO LATER than 9:30 a.m. in order to give yourself enough time to properly warm-up and complete the WOD!
Triple Mod ~ MWG
August 1st "Chipper WOD"
For time:
Row 1000-Meters
30 Back Squats, Rx'd = Women 90% of BW on the bar, Men 100% of BW on the bar
Run 400-M
30 1-Arm DB or KB Clean N Jerk (L & R), Rx'd = Women 12K/25lbs, Men 20K/45lbs
Run 400-M
30 Burpee + Tire Jumps
Run 400-M Done!!!