

TGIF! Strength: Deadlift 5, 5, 5+ (Reference 10.14.13) Conditioning: *Buy-in 50 x WBS, 2 rounds of Run 300m, 15 Burpee Box Jumps.



Trick or Treat?!?!  "Elizabeth" For time: 21-15-9 rep rounds of Cleans @ 95#/135#, and Ring Dips.  Extra Conditioning: Row 1K TT.



What day is it??? Strength: Overhead Squats, reference 10.11.13. Beg 5x3 add 2-5lbs. Int/Adv 5x3@90% of 3-RM. Conditioning: 7-min AMRAP of 12 x KB SDLHP, 9 x KBS, 6 x KB Goblet Squat @ 16k/24k. Extra Skill Work: Practice Rope Climbs/Holds



15-min AMRAP of 5 Push Ups, 5 Pull Ups, 10 Push Ups, 10 Pull Ups, 15 Push Ups, 15 Pull Ups, Run 100m.  Extra Conditioning: Set a running clock. Every two minutes run 200m AFAP (as fast as possible). Continue as long as you can holding your pace within 4 seconds.  *Extra Strength: Make up session if you missed 10.27.13 Back Squat 5, 5, 5+



Strength: Press 5, 5, 5 + , drop 10% x max reps, drop 20% x max reps (Refer to 10.9.13) Conditioning: "Annie" 50-40-30-20-10 rep rounds of Double Unders and Sit Ups. Extra Strength: Back Squat 5, 5, 5 + (Refer to 10.18.13)



Open Gym 8am - 10am. Halloween Horror WOD/Party @ 6pm!



TGI F'N F! Strength: Front Squat, Reference 10.7.13 - Beginner 5 x 3 add 2-5lbs, Int/Adv 5 x 3 @ 90% of 3-RM. Conditioning: Within a 10-min time cap complete 30 Burpees over the bar, 30 Power Snatches @ 95#/135#, 30 Burpees over the bar. Get some!!!



Recovery day??? Well, kinda sorta ... Part A.) Complete "Death by 10-meters" Part B.) Complete three rounds, not for time but for quality of: Around the world (handstand progression) x 4 reps (2 clockwise/2 counter clockwise), collect 1:00 minute of L-Sit holds on parallettes (partitioned in to sets as necessary), 10 x HSPU (strict if possible, if necessary scale back to reverse wall walk x 5 reps), 10 x Pistols (5 left/5 right) or 20 x Walking Lunges.  Thank you!!!



Hump D-a-a-a-y-y-y-y!!! Strength: Bench Press 5, 5, 5+ Refer to 10.4 and 10.14. Conditioning: 7-min AMRAP of 10 x KBS @ 16k/24k, 10 x Box Jump @ 20"/24".  Extra Strength Work: Find your 1-Rep Max Weighted Pull Up.



Two-4-Tuesday: Partner Up! 6 rounds for time of: 40 Air Squats, 20 Deadlifts @ 155#/225#, 10 Toes-2-Bar, Run 300m.  Rounds 1, 3 and 5 Partner A squats while B rests; B performs deadlifts while A rests; A performs toes-2-bar while B rests; both partners complete run together. Rounds 2, 4, and 6 Partner B squats while A rests; A performs deadlifts while B rests; B performs toes-2-bar while A rests; both partners complete run together.  Mobilize your posterior chain post-WOD!!!



Strength: Beginner – Hang Power Clean 5 x 3 (add 2-5lbs from 10.2.13), Int/Adv – Clean or Power Clean 5 x 2 @ 90% of 1-RM from 10.2.13.  Condtioning: 5-min AMRAP of 7 Dynamic Push Ups, 7 Supine Ring Pull Ups (feet elevated)... Rest 3-minutes then... 5-min AMRAP of 7 Wall Ball Shots, 7 Burpees.  Extra Strength: Overhead Squat 5 x 3.  Get some!!!



LIFT UP LUKE fundraiser (online registration only) 8am - 9am. Open gym 9am - 10am.



TGIF! Strength: Back Squat 5, 5, 5+ (Reference 9.30.13). Conditioning: Complete 3-5 rounds, not for time of: Max Rep Slam Ball in :45 sec, 100m Prowler Push AFAP.



Thirsty Thursday! WOD: For time complete 500m Row, 21 Front Squats [unbroken] @ 95#/135#, Run 300m, 15 Front Squats [unbroken] @ 95#/135#, Run 600m, 9 Front Squats [unbroken] @ 95#/135#, Run 900m, 1 Front Squat @ 95#/135#. Done. *All sets of front squats must be performed unbroken [whether scaled or RX'D], every time you break from the set stop and do 10 burpees over the barbell!



What day is it??? Strength: Beginner - Hang Power Snatch 5 x 3; Int/Adv - Snatch or Power Snatch 1-RM. Conditioning: 10-min AMRAP of 20 x DU, 15 x KBS (16k/24k), 10 x KB Push Press (16k/24k).



Two For Tuesday:  You get to choose from "Cindy" 20-min AMRAP of 5 pull ups, 10 push ups, 15 air squats; or "Mary" 20-min AMRAP of 5 HSPU, 10 one legged squats alternating, 15 pull ups. *No scaling "Mary"! **Extra Conditioning Work: Sprint Intervals - OTM for 15 minutes sprint 100m.



Strength: Deadlift 5, 5, 5+. Conditioning: 12-min AMRAP of 30 Overhead Lunges @ 25#/45#, 20 Toes-2-Bar, 10 Burpees. Extra Strength: Bench Press 5, 5, 5+.



The weekend is here! Open gym from 8am - 9am then our Third Annual Barbells For Boobs Fundraiser at 9am!



TGIF! Strength: Overhead Squat. Beginners: 5 x 3. Int/Adv: 3-RM. Conditioning: 7-min AMRAP of 1 x Power Clean, 2 Burpees Over The Bar, 1 x Power Clean, 4 Burpees Over The Bar, 1 x Power Clean, 6 Burpees Over The Bar, 1 x Power Clean, 8 Burpees Over The Bar ... continue following this rep scheme for seven minutes, adding two burpees over the bar on each round.



Thursday Chipper: 1 x Run 100m, rest :30 sec, Run 200m, rest :60 sec, Run 300m, rest :90 sec, Couplet #1: 3 rounds of 15 Slam Balls, 30 Mountain Climbers. 2 x Run 100m, rest :30 sec, Run 200m, rest :60 sec, Run 300m, rest :90 sec, Couplet #2: 3 rounds of 15 Step Ups, 30 Double Unders. 3 x Run 100m, rest :30 sec, Run 200m, rest :60 sec, Run 300m. Done.



Hump D-a-a-a-y-y-y-y!!!! Strength: Press 5, 5, 5+. Conditioning: 15-minutes AMRAP of Run 200m, Max Rep Pull Ups. Score total pull ups. Extra Strength Work: Back Squat 5, 5, 5+ (Refer to 9.30.13)



Partner Up! 6 rounds. Each round is 4-minutes AMRAP of 3 x Power Snatch @ 85#/135#, 6 Push Ups, 9 Air Squats. 1-minute rest between rounds. Only one partner works at a time alternating work in the following manner: Partner A - 3 x Snatches, Partner B - 6 x Push Ups, Partner A - 9 x Air Squats (completes one round), Partner B - 3 x Snatches, Partner A - 6 x Push Ups, Partner B - 9 x Air Squats (completes two rounds) etc. Score each round separately for total rounds plus reps.



Strength: Front Squat: Beginner 5 x 3. Intermediate/Advanced 3-RM. Conditioning: For time, 21 KBS, 21 Burpees, 300m Sprint, 15 KBS, 15 Burpees, 200m Sprint, 9 KBS, 9 Burpees, 100m Sprint.



TGIF! "Lynne" Five rounds of Max Rep Body Weight Bench Press (Women use 65%) and Max Rep Pull Ups.  There is no time component to this WOD.  The weekend is here people, yea!!!



Part A: 7-min AMRAP of 7 x Deadlift @ 155#/225#, 7 x Box Jump @ 20"/24". Part B (sub maximal effort, focus on recovery) "Skinny Tosh" 3 rounds of Run 100m, Run 200m, Run 300m. Rest-to-Work 1:1.



Hump D-a-a-a-y-y-y-y!!! Strength: Beginner - Hang Power Clean 5 x 3. Intermediate/Advanced: Power Clean or Clean 1-RM.  Conditioning: For time complete 2 rds of 50 One-Count Push Ups and 25 Toes-2-Bar. *Every time you break from your set perform 20 Double Unders*