Tuesday, February 1 “Down N Back” CFFM WOD For time: 25 Pullups 50 Hand Release Pushups 75 Air Squats Run 800-Meters 100 Situps Run 800-Meters 75 Air Squats 50 Hand Release Pushups 25 Pullups ---------- CFFB SWOD Deadlift 3-RM Weighted Pullups 3 x max reps, AHAP ---------- CFFB DWOD “Death by Power Clean” *Use 60% of 1-RM ---------- CFG Prep, Phase III, Wk 5 1.) Row 2k at moderate pace 2.) WOD (NFT - Active Recovery) 30 min “Grinder” PT drills + rest 10 min, hydrate + Run 30 min at moderate pace 3.) Active Stretch + Yoga
Monday, January 31 “On The Minute” CFFM SWOD On the minute for 10 minutes perform 2 x Power Clean @ 90% of 3-RM + 4 Burpees *Reference 01.10.11 for 3-RM Power Clean ---------- CFFM DWOD *Performed at a moderate pace: Row 1k - 2k + Jog 1-2 miles (cool down) ---------- CFFB SWOD Box Squat 10 x 2 @ 75% 1-RM w/:45 sec rest Box Jumps 3 x 6 @ 75% 1-RM (height) Press 5 x 1 ---------- CFFB DWOD 5 RFT of Sprint 40-yds 15 x Burpees Sprint 40-yds 15 x 2-arm bent over dumbbell row @ 50# *Rest :45 sec between rounds ---------- CFG Prep, Phase III, Wk 5 1.) 5 rds of OHS x 20 w/empty bar + 20 DU. Try to perform all DU’s unbroken! 2.) Work to 1-RM Power Clean 3.) WOD #1 (NFT/80%) “Chipper” 15 PC @ 90% 1-RM + 50 1-arm DB Power Snatch @ 50# (25 per side) + 50 Pistols (25 per side) ----break---- 4.) WOD #2 (For time/100%) 6 rounds of: 10 x Man Makers @ 35lbs + 30 KBS @ 24-k + Run 800-M 5.) 10 x 100-M sprints every two minutes
Today I will be available on site @ 8am to assist new clients in understanding the in's and out's of Paleo nutrition (per Robb W.), using the Zone model to establish portion control, and eating for improved performance/recovery. Bring your food journals! :)
CFFM/CFFB DWOD Find: Max Height Box Jump then... Complete 7 rounds: Handstand Holds for max time 10 Supine Ring Pull Ups ---------- CFG Prep Phase III, Wk #4: [De-loading/Scaling] 1.) 1-hour Yoga 2.) CFE 8-mile TT
CFFM DWOD For time: 21 L-pull-ups 20 One legged squats, alternating legs 18 L-pull-ups 16 One legged squats, alternating legs 15 L-pull-ups 12 One legged squats, alternating legs 12 L-pull-ups 8 One legged squats, alternating legs
*Core work: 100 GHD Situps + 100 GHD Hypers ---------- CFFB DWOD "CF Football Total" Power Clean 1 Rep Squat 1 Rep Bench 1 Rep Deadlift 1 Rep *Perform a single max effort for the lifts listed above. *After warm-ups, 3 attempts are allowed. *Total must be done in the specified order. *Combine all 4 lifts to create CF Football Total ---------- CFG Prep, Phase III, Wk #4: [De-Loading/Scaling] 1.) Sandbag Drills [NFT/50% Effort] 2.) “Helen-esque” [For time/100% Effort] Five rounds of Run 400-Meters, 21 x KBS @ 16k/24k, 12 Burpee Box Jumps 3.) 100 GHD Situps, 100 GHD Hypers, Stretch
CFFM SWOD Power Snatch 3, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1 *Work up to a 1-Rep Max, Reference Thu, Jan 6/Mon, Jan 17 Rest 5 minutes then: CFFM DWOD Interval Sprints: 4 x 400-Meters, every 4 minutes, max effort! ---------- CFFB SWOD Off/Rest
CFFB DWOD Complete 10 rounds of: One rounds consists of the following: One Arm DB Power Clean Right One Arm DB Front Squat Right One Arm DB Push Press Right One Arm DB Front Squat Right One Arm DB Push Press Right then switch hands.... One Arm DB Power Clean Left One Arm DB Front Squat Left One Arm DB Push Press Left One Arm DB Front Squat Left One Arm DB Push Press Left *Do Not Drop The Weight. Do Not Set It Down. *If weight is dropped, count number of drops and perform an equal amount of burpees as a penalty. ---------- CFG Prep, Phase III, Wk #4: [De-Loading/Scaling] 1.) 20-minute PT/ROM Drills 2.) Back Squat 5x5, Press 5x5 3.) WOD #1 [NFT/80% Effort] 5 rounds of: 5 x Weighted Pullup AHAP, 7 HSPU, 10 SDLHP @ 75lbs ---- [break] ---- 4.) WOD #2 “THRATCHER” [For time/100% Effort] 5 rounds for time of: 10 x Power Snatch @ 95lbs, 10 x Thrusters @ 95lbs, 10 x Burpees 5.) Interval Sprints: 8 x 200-Meters every 2-minutes, max effort
CFFM DWOD 5 rounds for time of Run 400-Meters 20 Burpees 15 KBS @ 16k/24k
*Cool down: walk 400-Meters + 2 rds walking lunge x 20 + Iron Cross/Scorpion x 20 ea. ---------- CFFB SWOD Press: Work up to 3-Rep Max 1-arm DB Row, 3 x max reps, AHAP
CFFB DWOD “CrossFit Football Ruck Hike” Complete: Walk 2 miles with a 40-60 lbs weight vest, sand bag or plate. *You can wear a weight vest, carry a sand bag or plate. You can load up a back pack with 40-60 lbs. *Remember to walk, not run. ---------- CFG Prep, Phase III, Wk #4 [De-Loading/Scaling] 1.) Row 1-k at moderate pace 2.) “SealFit Filthy Fifty” [Filthy Fifty x 2 rounds] [For time/100% Effort] 3.) 1-mile cool down run
CFFM SWOD Back Squat 5, 5, 5, 5, 5. Work up to 5-Rep Max *Reference Monday, January 3. Bench Press 5 x 5 @ 90% of 5-RM *Reference Thursday, January 13 *Active stretch/foam roll/trigger point: 15 min ---------- CFFB SWOD Good Morning: work up to 3-Rep Max 20 minutes Gymnastics Skill Work
CFFB DWOD 6 rounds for time of 3 x Anyway Overhead @ 185lbs 6 x Chest-2-Bar Pullups 9 x Clapping Pushups ---------- CFG Prep, Phase III, Wk #4 [De-Loading/Scaling] 1.) 10 rds of “Cindy” [NFT/50% Effort] 2.) Power Snatch, Technique + Strength: work to 1-RM 3.) WOD #1 [NFT/80% Effort] Chipper: 15 x Power Snatch @ 90% 1-RM, 50 Burpees, 800-meter Sandbag Carry @ ½ bw. ---- [break] ---- 4.) WOD #2 [For time/100% Effort] “Curtis P” x 100 reps for time. 1 rep = 1 power clean + lunge left + lunge right + push press [70lbs/105lbs] 5.) Yoga/Eccentric Stretch for 15 minutes
CFFB/CFFM DWOD One Minute On...One Minute Off...for 10 minutes. 30 KB Swings - 2 pood *You have 1 minute to get 30 KB swings. If you do not get 30 KB Swings in 1 minute, count a penalty. *Perform this workout one minute on and one minute off. Total time is 10 minutes. *For every penalty counted, perform a 1000 meter row. Post rounds completed and penalties to comments. ---------- CFG PREP 1.) From CFFB: Tabata Sledgehammers, Rest 1-min. Tabata Burpees, Rest 1-min. Tabata Sledgehammers. Score lowest rounds. 2.) CFE 60-75 minute “easy” Tempo run
*From CF HQ 01.12.11* CFFM WOD AMRAP in 15 minutes of Row 250-Meters 25 Pushups ---------- Core work: 50 SB Knee Tucks + 50 GHD Situps + Plank holds 3 x 2 minutes (various) ---------- CFFB SWOD Power Cleans 15x1 @ 75% of 1 RM (45 sec rest) Weighted Strict Chin Ups 3 x max reps, AHAP ---------- CFFB DWOD On the minute for 15 minutes: At the top of every minute sprint 100 yard. *You have have the rest of the minute to rest. *Keep the effort consistent on the sprints. ---------- CFG PREP 1.) 20-minute PT/ROM Drills 2.) “ROMA” [For time/100% Effort] Five rounds for time of: 15 x Clean and Jerk @ 135lbs, 25 x hand release pushups, 50 x Double Unders 3.) 2 rds [NFT/80% Effort] Row 500-Meters + 25 Toes2Bar
Max of MaxFit USA - "Out of shape" 3-2-1 of 225lb Snatch + 315lb Clean N Jerk
“Ground-to-overhead” CFFM SWOD Clean N Jerk 3, 3, 3, 3, 3 - Work up to 3-RM *Any combination of Power/Squat Clean + Push Jerk/Press or Split Jerk is acceptable. ---------- CFFM DWOD Sprint Intervals: 8 x 200-M every 2 minutes, max effort ---------- CFFB SWOD Front Squat 5, 5, 5, 5, 5 Floor Press 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ---------- CFFB DWOD Complete 5 rounds: 1 Minute of Max Reps with Two Arm KB Push Press - 1.5 pood 1 Minute of GHD Back Extension Isometric Hold *For GHD Isometric Hold, hold at the top of the back extension. Cross arms across the chest or if you are bad ass place hands behind the head. Post total reps on push press and whether or not you were able to complete 5 rounds of isometric holds. ---------- CFG PREP 1.) Row 1-k at moderate pace + Sledgehammer Strikes x 100 [50 each arm] 2.) Rack Jerks, Technique + Strength: work up to 1-RM 3.) WOD #1 [NFT/80% Effort] Five rounds of: 3 x Clean and Jerk @ 80% 1-RM Rack Jerk, 20 walking lunges, 50-M buddy carry ---- [break] ---- 4.) WOD #2 [For time/100% Effort] “Cinque Terra” 3 rounds of: Thruster x 33 reps @ 95lbs, Burpees x 33 reps, Run 400-Meters 5.) 1-mile cool down run + 100 flutter kicks + 100 leg levers + 100 Superman back ext. (on stomach) + stretch
“Deuces Wild” CFFM WOD 3 rds of 2 min max rep rope climb ascents 2 min max rep wall ball shots 2 min max rep burpees * 2 min rest between rounds ---------- Cool-down: jog 1-mile + stretch ---------- CFFB SWOD Power Snatch 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 DB Renegade Rows 3 x max reps, AHAP ---------- CFFB DWOD Complete: 10 x 10 yard sprint then... 100 Toes to Bars ---------- CFG PREP 1.) 20-minute PT/ROM Drills 2.) Sprint Intervals: 5 x 800-Meters every six (6) minutes,max effort 3.) Yoga/Eccentric Stretch for 15 minutes + 50 x GHD sit-ups, 50 x GHD back extensions
Patrick Daniel Tillman (5.6.76–4.22.04) was a professional football player who left the National Football League and enlisted in the United States Army in May 2002. He joined the Army Rangers and served multiple tours in combat before he was killed in the mountains of Afghanistan. He was a recipient of the Silver Star, the third highest honor in the military, and a Purple Heart. Pat is survived by his wife Marie. He is also remembered through the foundation named in his honor; the mission being to inspire people to make positive changes in themselves and in the world around them.
CFFM DWOD > 3 rounds for time of Run 400-Meters 30 OHS @ 75lbs/45lbs 21 Pullups
Rest 5-10 minutes then *Core Work: 50 GHD Situps + 50 GHD Hip Ext. + 50 Toes2Bar ===================================================================
CFFB SWOD > 20 minutes from Gymnastics WOD Library CFFB DWOD > Complete: Row for 5 minutes at a 20 stroke per minute pace then... As many rounds as possible in 7 minutes of: 50 yard Farmer's Carry - as heavy as possible then... Row for 3 minutes at a 20 stroke per minute pace. *For row, no more than 100 strokes can be used in 5 minutes. Post meters rowed & total rounds completed to comments.
Two of the original CrossFitters performing the benchmark WOD "Fran"
CFFM DWOD > “Fran” 21-15-9 95lb Thrusters Pullups
Rest 5-10 minutes then *Core Work: 100 2-count Bicycle Crunches + Plank Holds [various] 3 x 1-min. ===================================================================
CFFB SWOD > Deadlift 5-RM Supine Ring Pullups 3 x max reps
CFFB DWOD > Complete 10 rounds: 3 Hang Power Cleans @ 75% of body weight 1 Twenty Yard Short Shuttle Run *Rest 30 seconds between rounds Post loads to comments.
*First, start in the middle of a 10 yard distance with one hand touching the ground. The athlete then pushes off their dominant leg in the opposite direction sprinting 5 yards. After covering this distance, as quickly as possible they reverse direction and go 10 yards the exact opposite way. Finally they reverse directions one last time ending the drill at the point where they started. Remember to sprint through the line. Remember the goal is maximal efforts on the run so do not rush through the shuttle drills at half speed. Max effort is the goal.
Coach Rip: "...the jumping position becomes an aiming point" ... hit it every time!!!
CFFM SWOD > Power Clean 3, 3, 3, 3, 3 CFFM DWOD > Sprint 3 x 200-M every two minutes, then 50 Burpees AFAP (as fast as possible!) ===================================================================
CFFB SWOD > Back Squat 5 x 5, Press 5 x 1 CFFB DWOD > As many rounds as possible in 15 minutes of: One rounds consists of: 1 Handstand Push Up 1 Strict Chin Up 1 Ring Dip 3 Handstand Push Ups 3 Strict Chin Ups 3 Ring Dips 5 Handstand Push Ups 5 Strict Chin Ups 5 Ring Dips
Robert James Kalsu (April 13, 1945 - July 21, 1970) was selected as an Oklahoma Sooner All-American Tackle in 1967. As an eighth-round draft pick of the Buffalo Bills in 1968, he started eight games at Guard and was voted the team's top rookie in 1968. He began fulfilling his ROTC obligation with the US Army following the '68 season and started his tour of duty in Vietnam in November of 1969, where he served with Battery C, 2nd Battalion, 11th Artillery, 101st Airborne Division. His MOS was 1193-Field Artillery Unit Commander. LT Kalsu was killed by mortar fire on July 21,1970 at Firebase Ripcord near the Ashau Valley.
CFFM/CFFB DWOD "Kalsu " On the minute: Complete 5 burpees and perform max rep 135 lbs thrusters on the minute.
The goal is to complete 100 total thrusters. *At the beginning of every minute perform 5 burpees, for the rest of the minute perform as many thrusters as you can during that minute. At the beginning of the next minute perform 5 burpees and then max rep thrusters and so on until you reach 100 total thrusters. Post the total number of minutes it took to reach 100 thrusters.
Army Staff Sgt. Jack M. Martin III, 26, of Bethany, Oklahoma, assigned to the 3rd Battalion, 1st Special Forces Group, Fort Lewis, Wash., died September 29th, 2009, in Jolo Island, Philippines, from the detonation of an improvised explosive device. Martin is survived by his wife Ashley Martin, his parents Jack and Cheryl Martin, and siblings Abe, Mandi, Amber and Abi.
CFFM DWOD “Jack” from CF HQ 01.01.11 Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of: 115 pound Push press, 10 reps 10 KB Swings, 1.5 pood 10 Box jumps, 24 inch box CFFB SWOD Power Clean 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3 CFFB DWOD Complete: 4 x 100 yard Sprints then.. Max Pull Ups in 5 minutes then... 4 x 100 yard Sprints *3:1 rest : work Post total pull ups and fastest sprints to comments
CFFB DWOD Complete 5 rounds: 3 Power Snatches 3 Snatch Pulls 3 Power Snatches *Do Not Drop The Weight During the Round. *Do Not Set It Down. *If weight is dropped, count number of drops and perform an equal amount of burpees as a penalty. *Rest 120 seconds between sets. Post weights used and number of drops to comments.
CFFB DWOD Complete: Row for 5 minutes at a 20 stroke per minute pace then... Max Push Ups in 5 minutes then... Row for 5 minutes at a 20 stroke per minute pace. *For row, no more than 100 strokes can be used in 5 minutes. Post total meters rowed & total push ups to comments
CFFM SWOD Back Squat 5x5 @ 80% of 1-RM [Reference CF Total 12.23.10]
CFFM DWOD Interval Sprints: 10 x 100-Meters on the minute, max effort
CFFB SWOD Overhead Squat 1-1-1-1-1
CFFB DWOD Complete 5 rounds for time: 5 one arm DB power snatch RT - 50 lbs 5 one arm DB overhead squats RT - 50 lbs 5 one arm DB power snatch LT - 50 lbs 5 one arm DB overhead squats LT - 50 lbs Sprint 100 yards