From CF HQ 08.22.10
400 Meters Walking Lunge Steps
Kristan Clever 8:35, 382 steps, Kim Malz 9:15, Graham Holmberg 10:24, Rebecca Voigt 10:36, 376 steps, Bonnie Weinberger 13:09, Katie Hogan 14:31. Post time and number of steps to comments.
Compare to 091125.
CrossFit Football SWOD
Back Squat 5-RM (add 5lbs!)
Press 5-RM (add 5lbs!)
Rest 5-10 min then...
CrossFit Football DWOD
6 rds for time of
Row 250Meters
1-arm DB Power Snatch, 6 reps Left
1-arm DB Power Snatch, 6 reps Right
10 Burpees
CrossFit Games Prep, Wk 4, WOD 13:
21-15-9 AQAP Not For Time of:
Overhead Squat add 5-10lbs
Hand Stand Push Up
BB Step Up add 5-10lbs
Ring Push Ups
BB Lateral Lunge add 5-10lbs
Pseudo Push Up w/ Feet Elevated
BB Overhead Walking Lunges
Ring Dips
L-Hold on Paralletes/Rings/Hanging from bar ALAP