Thrusters ... yeah!!!
TGIF Double Death Whammy
"Death by ten meters"
Rest 10 min. then...
"Death by Thrusters" (63lbs/95lbs)
CrossFit Football SWOD
4 rds of Handstand Holds for max time
Rest 5:00 min. then...
CrossFit Football DWOD
AMRAP in 15 min of
15 Sledgehammer Strikes Left
15 Sledgehammer Strikes Right
7 One-Arm DB Thrusters Left @ 50lbs
7 One-Arm DB Thrustes Right @ 50lbs
Bear Crawl 20-yards
CrossFit Games Prep Wk 3, WOD 12
1 Rd, 100 reps each, AQAP Not For Time
Deadlift same as Tue
Kipping Pull Ups
1-Arm Alternating KBS @ 16k-32k (Toss KB Arm-2-Arm)
Bent Over Rows w/Snatch Grip same as last wk
Reverse Hypers on GHD
DB Renegade Row AHAP
4 rds of Handstand Holds for max time
Rest 5:00 min. then...
CrossFit Football DWOD
AMRAP in 15 min of
15 Sledgehammer Strikes Left
15 Sledgehammer Strikes Right
7 One-Arm DB Thrusters Left @ 50lbs
7 One-Arm DB Thrustes Right @ 50lbs
Bear Crawl 20-yards
CrossFit Games Prep Wk 3, WOD 12
1 Rd, 100 reps each, AQAP Not For Time
Deadlift same as Tue
Kipping Pull Ups
1-Arm Alternating KBS @ 16k-32k (Toss KB Arm-2-Arm)
Bent Over Rows w/Snatch Grip same as last wk
Reverse Hypers on GHD
DB Renegade Row AHAP