Max Effort Bench Press
*Work up to a 3-RM!
Rest 5:00 min. then...
150 WBS for time @ 14/20lbs
CrossFit Football SWOD
150 WBS for time @ 14/20lbs
CrossFit Football SWOD
Overhead Squat 3, 3, 3, 1, 1, 1*
*Work up to 90% of previous 1-RM [Refer to 07.23.10]
Rest 5:00 min. then...
CrossFit Football DWOD
5 rds for time of
10 KBS @ 70lbs
15 Toes-2-Bar
Sprint 100-M
CrossFit Games Prep, Wk 2, WOD 8
1rd AQAP NFT, 80 reps each of:
KBS @ 16k-32k
Bent Over Rows w/Snatch Grip - AHAP
Kipping Pullups (various grips)
Good Mornings w/BB - same as Tuesday
Dumbbell Renegade Rows - AHAP
Reverse Hypers on GHD
*Work up to 90% of previous 1-RM [Refer to 07.23.10]
Rest 5:00 min. then...
CrossFit Football DWOD
5 rds for time of
10 KBS @ 70lbs
15 Toes-2-Bar
Sprint 100-M
CrossFit Games Prep, Wk 2, WOD 8
1rd AQAP NFT, 80 reps each of:
KBS @ 16k-32k
Bent Over Rows w/Snatch Grip - AHAP
Kipping Pullups (various grips)
Good Mornings w/BB - same as Tuesday
Dumbbell Renegade Rows - AHAP
Reverse Hypers on GHD