With the proper training program, you could lift the weights pictured AND compete in long distance endurance events ... think about it ...
Clean Technique!
Warm-up with 3-position drills using pvc, then...
Set 1.) 3-Position Power Clean from floor
Total reps: one from position 3, one from position 2, one from position 1.
Set 2.) 2-Position Power Clean from floor
Total reps: one from position 3, one from position 2
Set 3.) Power Clean from floor x 1
*Repeat this cycle three (3) times. Use light weights and work on perfect form! If form is good you may add weight (+5lbs) each set and cycle the weight from light - to - heavy as you progress from sets 1 to 3.
Seven Minute Escalating Ladder: WBS/Jumping Ring Pullup
3.. 2.. 1.. Go! Start with one wbs + one jrpu, then two burpees + two jrpu, three + three, etc ... continue working up the ladder for seven minutes straight! Record weights used, and total number of rounds + reps.
3.. 2.. 1.. Go! Start with one wbs + one jrpu, then two burpees + two jrpu, three + three, etc ... continue working up the ladder for seven minutes straight! Record weights used, and total number of rounds + reps.
All levels
Power Snatch 8 x 2
Complete as many rounds as possible in 15 minutes:
5 Deadlifts @ 315 lbs
10 Toes to the Bar