

Sage Burgener , picture courtesy of Mike's Gym - USAW Regional Training Center

CFFM Strength-WOD:

Front Squat 3, 3, 3, 3, 3

Push Press 3, 3, 3, 3, 3

*ME (Max Effort) work up to a 3-RM for both movements!


A.) Bench Press 3x5

C.) Bench Press 5x5


8 rds of
3 Front Squats 185 lbs
8 Strict Dips

*Strict Dips are performed without kicking your legs to gain extension, as in a Kipping Ring Dip. If you can not do Ring Dips without kipping it is best to do Stict Dips on a stable bar. No need to increase the reps if doing Bar Dips.

*For a dip to count as a rep your chest must touch your hands at the bottom of the dip and return to a locked out position.