

Gillian Mounsey rocks!!! (She placed third at the CF Games in '08)

Max Effort Front Squat - Compare to 07.08.10
*Work up to a 1-RM
Rest 5:00 minutes then...
2:00 Minutes Max Rep Power Clean
Rest 2:00 Minutes
2:00 Minutes Max Rep Push Jerk
Rest 2:00 Minutes
2:00 Minutes Max Rep Power Snatch
*Rx'd weights = 73/115
*Score total reps completed

CrossFit Football SWOD
A.) & C.) After DWOD: GHD Situps & Hip Extension 3 x 15 each

CrossFit Football DWOD
2 Power Cleans on the minute for 25 minutes.
Use 85%-90% of 1-RM
For each missed rep the foul is 5 strict dead hang chin ups

Starting Strength SWOD
All: Squat/BP/P/PC add .5-2lbs, DL add 1-5lbs