

Some "Retro" footage of the '08 CF Games. The 2010 Games start Friday!!!

[From the '08 Games]
5 rds for time of
Deadlift, 5 reps @ 185lbs/275lbs
Burpees, 10 reps

Rest 5:00 minutes then...
100 GHD Sit Ups (break up reps as needed)

Starting Strength DWOD
Tabata Row (Calories)
Rest 1:00 minute
Tabata Wall Ball Shots @ 14lbs/20lbs
Rest 1:00 minute
Tabata Burpees
*Score lowest rounds for cumulative total

CrossFit Football SWOD
A.) DL 5-RM
C.) Power Snatch 3-RM

CrossFit Football DWOD
Complete 5 rds of the following complex
3 Snatch Pulls
3 Power Snatches
3 Snatch Push Press
*Use 85% of 3-RM Power Snatch