

*Next week is the final week of our current strength cycle. Be prepared to set some PR's on WODs and lifts! (Not that you haven't already) Open gym week is coming Monday, June 28.

4 rds of
Row 500-Meters
Rest as needed between rounds for Maximal Effort. (3:1 is optimal) Post best time.

CrossFit Football SWOD
A.) DL 5-RM
C.) Push Press 5, 5, 3, 3, 1, 1, 1; Ring Dips 3 x 15

CrossFit Football DWOD
5 rds for time of
Burpee Sprint 10-20-10 Burpee
5 Hang Power Cleans @ 75% BW

Starting Strength DWOD
Hang Power Snatch @ 63/95
Pull Ups