

CFFM Strength WOD

Olympic Complex

[All reps performed from the hang position]

5 rounds of:

Muscle Snatch, 3 reps

Power Snatch, 3 reps

Overhead Squat, 3 reps

*Start light and work up gradually, focus on TECHNIQUE - TECHNIQUE - TECHNIQUE!

*Rest as needed between rounds

Assistance Strength Work: GHD Hip Extension, 3 x 15, control the movement, no momentum - pause for one count @ top and bottom of each rep


A.) DL 5-RM; Towel Pullups 3 x max reps w/3-min rest

C.) Press 8x3 @ 65% of 1-RM w/:45 sec rest. Work on moving the bar as fast as possible; Weighted pull-ups 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1


"E Caf"

Complete 10 rds of

Row for 1-min, Rest for 1-min

*Goal is to reach 3000-M total

*Foul = 1 handstand push-up for every 5-meters under!