

CFFM WOD Tuesday 10.28.14
Strength: Back Squat 3 x 5+ @ 80%
Conditioning: Complete five (5) :90 second rounds, consecutively, of AMAP burpees over the bar, where the buy-in for each round is: Rd 1 - 3 x Deadlifts @ 155#/225#, Rd 2 - 6 x Deadlifts @ 155#/225#, Rd 3 - 9 x Deadlifts @ 155#/225#, Rd 4 - 12 x Deadlifts @ 155#/225#, Rd 5 - 15 x Deadlifts @ 155#/225#. Score total burpees over the bar.
Extra Strength: Unilateral DB Bench Press 3 x 10-12.