

*No classes Saturday. 9am photo/video shoot with Feel Our Affect!

On the minute for 12 minutes
2 Power Snatch [Refer to 10.14.10]
4 Burpees
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CrossFit Football - Westside Barbell Max Effort Bench Day
1.) 4-Board Bench Press 5-7 x 3-1
2.) 30-degree Incline DB Bench Press 5-7 x 50lbs Max Reps (2 sec. pause @ bottom/top)
3.) Supine Ring Pullups 5-7 x Max Reps
4.) BB Front Lateral Raise 3-4 x Max Reps
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CFGames Prep, Phase II, Wk 3, WOD 13
For time:
50 Wall Ball Sit Ups
21 Ring Dips
100-ft Suitcase Carry Left (95/135)
10 Burpees
100-ft Suitcase Carry Right (95/135)
35 Wall Ball Sit Ups
15 Ring Dips
100-ft Suitcase Carry Left (95/135)
10 Burpees
100-ft Suitcase Carry Right (95/135)
20 Wall Ball Sit Ups
9 Ring Dips
100-ft Suitcase Carry Left (95/135)
10 Burpees
100-ft Suitcase Carry Right (95/135)