

475lbs ... CrossFit Football Works! Want to get Big and Strong???

Max Effort 1-RM Deadlift*
*Warm up and set a new max deadlift!
Assistance Strength Work:
4 rds of Handstand Holds for max time

CrossFit Football SWOD
Load the bar with 185lbs ... take it from the rack in a Front Squat and perform as many unbroken reps as possible. Drop the bar and strip it down to 95lbs. Power Snatch the bar overhead and perform as many unbroken reps of Overhead Squats as possible. Record total number of reps completed and weights used. Scale as needed. *Note: Time Component = upon dropping the bar from the front squat you have a maximum of 2 (two) minutes to begin your first rep of Overhead Squats.

CrossFit Football DWOD
For time:
9 Clean N Jerks AHAP
Sprint 200-M
6 Clean N Jerks AHAP
Sprint 200-M
3 Clean N Jerks AHAP
Sprint 200-M
*AHAP = As Heavy As Possible

CrossFit Games Prep Wk 3, WOD 11
1 Rd, 100 reps each, AQAP Not For Time
Front Squats add 5-10lbs
Bench Press add 5-10lbs
OH BB Step Up w/empty bar
Curb Push Ups
KB Reverse Farmers Walk Walking Lunges AHAP
Press same as last wk