

Row 2k Time Trial*
*Warm-up thoroughly, include 500-750 meters on the Concept2 as part of your warm-up at increasing levels of intensity.
Rest 5:00 min. then...
“Quickie” from 04.05.10 and 05.17.10
As Many Push Ups As Possible In Seven Minutes

*Everytime you stop and rest on the ground this constitutes a penalty. You must immediately sprint 40 yards. Once the penalty is completed continue with the push ups.
*You can rest in a pike position but once you can not do push ups any longer and need to rest on the ground, a penalty is counted and a 40 yard sprint must be completed.
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CrossFit Football SWOD
Back Squat 5 x 2 @ 90% of 1-RM
Bench Press 5 x 5 @ 90% of 5-RM
Rest 5:00 min. then...
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CrossFit Football DWOD
AMRAP in 12 minutes of
3 Hang Power Cleans @ 135lbs
10 WBS @ 20lbs [Shoot the ball OVER the target on each rep!]
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CrossFit Games Prep, Wk 2, WOD 7
1rd AQAP NFT, 80 reps each of:
Front Squats add 10-20lbs [Don’t use a rack, power clean the weight to your shoulders!]
Bench Press add 10-20lbs
Barbell Lateral Step-Up add 10-20lbs [16”-20”]
Ring Push Ups [Set rings 4”-6” above ground]
Barbell Overhead Reverse Walking Lunges w/empty bar
Shoulder Press add 10-20lbs [Don’t use a rack, power clean the weight to your shoulders!]
GHD Sit-Ups