

CFFM WOD Wednesday 12.10.14 Hump D-a-a-a-y-y-y!!!
Strength/Skill: 2-Position Power Clean (top down, below knee > floor) 5 x 2 AHAP.
Conditioning: *Refer to 8.4.14. 7-min AMRAP of 3 x Burpee, 10 x WBS, 6 x Burpee, 10 x WBS, 9 x Burpee, 10 x WBS, 12 x Burpee, 10 x WBS.... continue adding three burpees to each round until time expires. Score total reps. Rx'd = 20#/14#.
Extra Conditioning: Sprint 8 x 200m @ 90% Rest 2:1