

CFFM WOD Tuesday, 7.29.14. Mobility: Posterior/Anterior High Chain (Glutes, Hip Capsule, Hip Flexors, Quadriceps) mobilize then its time for a partner WOD! Conditioning: 6 rounds for time of 21 x Air Squat, 15 x Power Clean (135/95), 9 x Pull Up, Run 300m. Rounds 1, 3 and 5 Partner A squats while B rests; B performs power cleans while A rests; A performs pull ups while B rests; both partners complete run together. Rounds 2, 4, and 6 Partner B squats while A rests; A performs power cleans while B rests; B performs pull ups while A rests; both partners complete run together. Get some!!! Two-4-Tuesday