
Thirsty Thursday + Curtis P = Awesomeness

Thursday, February 24
“Curtis P”
1 rep = 1 Power Clean or Muscle Clean + Lunge Left + Lunge Right + Push Press, Jerk or Press
Rx’d weights = 70# women, 105# men
100 reps FOR TIME
Front Squat & Jerk 5 x (3 + 1)
*perform 3 front squats, then jerk the weight on last rep
Complete 7 rounds:
1 20 yard Pro Short Shuttle
10 Clapping Push Ups
10 Nine Foot Wall Touches
Post times to comments.
*Demo of the 20 yard Pro Short Shuttle click here.
*For wall touches, pick a point on a wall or structure that is at least 9 feet high, then jump up and touch the point.
CFG Prep, Phase III, Wk 8
1.) Kettlebell Drills 15 minutes
2.) Work to 1-RM OHS
3.) WOD #1. (NFT/80%) 3 rounds of 3 x OHS @ 80% 1-RM + 5 Rope Climb Ascents + 30 DU
4.) WOD #2. (For time/100%) 21-15-9 of Power Clean (105#) & Pullups + 800-m Run + 9-15-21 of Push Jerk (105#) & Toes-2-Bar
5.) Sprint Intervals: 10 x 100-m every two minutes