

Steve Cotter: Kettlebell Snatch Technique

15 minutes AMRAP of
Row 250-Meters
7 KB Snatch Left
7 KB Snatch Right
15 Goblet Squats
*Practice the kettlebell snatch during warm-ups. If you do not feel confident with the technique then substitute a dumbbell. Go as heavy as possible with good form! Use the same kettlebell/dumbbell for the goblet squats.
Westside BB Dynamic Effort Bench
1.) Wide Grip Bench Speed Reps 10 x 2 @ 70% 1-RM + Large Chains
2.) Close Grip Incline Bench Press 3-4 x 8-10 AHAP
3.) Close Reverse Grip BB Bent Over Row 3-4 x 8-10 AHAP
4.) DB Side Lateral Raise 3-4 x 8-10 AHAP
CFGames Prep Phase II Wk 9
SWOD: Power Clean 5 x 1 @ 97% of 1-RM (Refer to 11.12.10)
DWOD: Sprint Intervals, Max Effort 10 x 100-Meters on the minute
3 sets of :15 seconds "On" and :15 seconds "Off" with 3-min recovery between sets (Max Distance/Effort)